Josh~ Happy Birthday

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Obviously it's not actually his Bday but still)

"Jish." You whisper to him, gently poking his bare chest as he laid sprawled out on the bed. You had gotten up hours ago, picking up the cake, birthday streamers...It was Josh's birthday, and you had a plan in place. You had walked over to Tyler's to get Zane and Hanna back, and to get everything ready. You were having the party at Tyler and Jenna's house.

Josh opened one eye and smiled sleepily. It was already ten in the afternoon, he had stayed up till two to finish the drum recording for Heathens.

"Hi Y/N." he said groggily, reaching out an arm to poke you back. You smile in adoration for you silly husband.

"Come on, you gotta get dressed." You say, pulling on his arm gently.

"Can't I stay in this?" He said with a pout.

"If you want your three year old and fifteen year old to see you in a pair of alien boxers, then sure." You shoot back with a laugh. He laughed with you before rolling out of bed and grabbing clothes. You smile and go back down stairs, in your living room, you left Zane and Hanna. Zane picked up Hanna and headed over to you to ask,

"Is dad out of bed yet?" You smile at your son. He looked so much like his father. He had the unruly curly hair, with his build and facial features, a true mini Josh.

"Yeah, he'll be down in a bit, go ahead and head over to Uncle Tyler's." You instruct. He agrees with a nod and starts to go out the door with Hanna at his heels. Hanna had Josh's squinty eyes and smile and curly hair, but looked a lot more like you.

As soon as the front door closes, you hear Josh shouting. "Y/N!"

"Yeah?" You you shout back.

"Do I have time to dye hair?"

"As long as you need!" You say, in fact, it would give more time for Josh's family and your family to get to Tyler's.

"Can I dye your's too?" He shouts down again. You think about it, with a slight hesitate for the answer.

"I'll be up in a minute!" You shout up,it was his birthday after all.

Forty minutes later,both of you had red hair. You liked it, it looked good considering it was cheap dye from a Walgreens store.

You ruffled Josh's hair as he puts his arm on your shoulder and takes a mirror picture.

"Ok, ready?" You ask. He nods and you go downstairs. He follows you and opens the door, being the gentleman he is.

Five minutes later, you see Tyler's house, its drive way was filled with cars. "What's this?" He laughed in surprise.

"Your party." You answer confidently as you knock on the door. Sheppard opens the door and invites you in, hugging the both of you.

"Josh!" You hear a voice call. It's his mother.

"Ma? What are you guys doing here? This is great!" He says, you all live across the state, making it hard to visit them back in Columbus, but they wanted to come see Josh. It was worth seeing Josh's happiness.

"Oh Josh, Zane looks just like you!" She cries, hugging her son tightly and hugging you after, just as strongly.

"I know, he takes after my good looks." He jokes. He hugs each person, one by one, taking the time to talk to each. You stand beside Jenna, overlooking the reunion.

"So, are you taking him after the party?"

"Oh yeah." You chuckle.

~~Tiny Time Skip~~

"Happy Birthday, dear Jooooossssshhhhh, happy birthday to you!" You all sing together. He blows out his candles and everyone claps and cheers.

"Cake?" Hanna shouts above everyone. Everyone laughs and Josh starts cutting up the cake. Sheppard and Zane pull the candles out, licking the bottoms of the candles and throwing them away. Hanna squeals and claps her hands as Josh cuts a slice for himself and a smaller slice for her. She snatches the plate and as carefully as a three year old can be, wobbles over to her grandmother, Josh's mother, who greets her with opens arms for a tiny hug before leading her to a table. You sit next to Josh and watch as Sheppard and Zane head up to Sheppard's room to practice.

They both were doing music now, although they don't have any plans on following in Josh and Tyler's footsteps. Oddly enough, Tyler's son plays guitar and drums, while yours sings and can play trumpet.

You were distracted from your thoughts as Josh steals a forkful of your cake. You glare at him playfully and snatch a bit of his to replace it. This goes on till your both out of cake and can't eat another bite.

"Thanks for coming everybody!" Josh shouts across the room. They all smile and cheer in response.

It was time to go, it was four o'clock and you had one last thing to do.

"Josh, I'm gonna get the car and we're gonna take a ride to your present, ok?" You ask.

"Ok." He laughs, he was so happy as he waved to his parents as they pulled out of the driveway after everyone had left. Hanna was especially sad, as her grandmother spoiled her with hugs and food.

It takes you two seconds it seems to get the car to Tyler's. Jenna and Tyler were waving goodbye to Josh as he trotted down to you. "We'll keep Hanna and Zane busy till you get home!" Jenna shouted. I give her a thumbs up and as soon as Josh closes the door, we're off.

A few minutes later, we pull into a big blue building with paw prints on the doors.

"No way." He says, his eyes shining.

"Happy Birthday Josh." You say. He jumps out of the car, he had wanted a dog for awhile, it was the perfect time.

After traveling through the seemingly endless rows of homeless dogs, Josh finally sets his eyes upon a wrinkly brown puppy, it was a pitbull mix with golden amber eyes and. floppy ears and a long tail. Josh feel in love, and immediately was hooked.

We take the dog home, her name was Remi, and she loved Josh and our family.

"Best Birthday Ever! It was so sick!"

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