The First~Tyler

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Just had to say, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAN WINCHESTER AND JESS, for all my supernatural buddies reading these.

Back to your not so scheduled imagine, that's right, I have no schedule, I just write whenever I have refueled my feels, your life has been a lie.

You had just woken up, your eyes eyes red and swollen from staying up half the night. You were eight and a half months pregnant with your first born, the baby was giving you a rough time. You were reaching the end of your time with your baby belly, but you weren't sad for your child to join the world. You were happy, you couldn't honestly stand it anymore, the child was full of energy, you nicked named it Little J after his or her's uncle, it seemed to be like Josh almost, even Tyler agreed! Your child was doing back flips in your stomach, one day you get an ultrasound, L.J is in the right position to leave the womb, the next day you are scheduled to get a induced labor, you get an ultrasound again and it's sideways or facing the wrong way.

You were scared about the induced labor a bit, but knew nothing would go wrong, they were professionals, you knew they were right to induce labor, your child was abnormally small for the time, although he or she was very much alive in there, all it does is kick and eat.

There you lay on your bed, groaning from getting no rest, you were worn out, Little J had kicked every other two hours, leaving you to lay awake on your back till the child stopped kicking your stomach.

Today you were planned to finally go into labor, you would be pain free! You turned your head to Tyler, he was just awakening and he turned his sleepy eyes on you,his eyes glazed over with sleep.

"Y/N, is it today?" He asked slowly.


"I'm so...happy." He yawned, hugging on your shoulder, careful not to hurt you or the baby.

"I'll be glad when L.J is out." You chuckle.

"What will we name it?" Tyler asked, awakening a bit. You two had decided not to see the gender of the baby till it came, which made the naming bit hard.

"Well, if it's a girl; I like Erin, or Catherine, what about you?"

"For girls, I like Y/N and Sadie." He said with a smile.

"Ok, cheesy, but cute." You laugh. You think for a moment, "Ok, for boys; I like Sheppard, Ben, and Tyler." You state. He looks at you and smiles again.

"Wow, cheesy, but cute." He mocks you, "For a boy, I like John, Jacob, and I do like the name Sheppard." He adds.

You half smile "I like Ben, but do you like Ben or Sheppard more?"



"Y/N; I have a hard time choosing names, but honestly, Sheppard sticks out like a fire in the ocean."

"Glad you thought so, it stuck out to me too."

"So Sheppard is a definite, for girls I think we should say between Y/N and Erin." He said with a grin.

"Then I vote for Erin."

"Ok, I agree, although Y/N is one of the most gorgeous names, there can only be one Y/N for this house." He says with a southern accent. You laugh and lay on his arm in laziness.

"Are you ready?"

"Hell yeah!" You reply with a fist pump.

"Alright, you can get dressed, I'll do the same, and we can head out for the hospital." He says decidedly.

To Be Continued~

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