For Those Who Still Look At This Book, For...Some Reason

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Hey guys, I've been gone for awhile (obviously). This is kind of an update and a small story for my old regulars as well.

I've currently started high school, things have been... really really tough. I don't wanna sound like a cry for help, but I had a lot of trouble with a guy who used to be one of my best friends, and is now one of my worst enemies, which is sad cause I'm literally 15, like, fuck off (sorry, I've changed)

I've currently become a lot more different, finding calm in doing make up oddly enough, making different friends, and I'm currently sitting on a 4.0 GPA on my first semester as a Freshman. I'm proud of my self, I've joined new clubs and I've become President of a blooming new service club. I'm proud. I've joined the softball team, I went to homecoming with an old friend. I went to Sadie's with all of my new friends and someone I crushed on for awhile (although we've decided to be just friends) I'm proud of what I've accomplished. I currently have two market goats to show, and I'm happy with what I'm doing in 4-H, I've found fun activities and good friends, and again, I'm proud.

Honestly, I don't know when the next time I will look at this book, but it made me happy, and I miss seeing it and smiling. I've buried a lot of the old me and improved, and this helped with that.

Honestly I don't know who read this whole thing, but I just want this to be a message for all those going through something, or feel down, I'm not gonna say things get better. I'm not gonna say the road gets brighter.

You have to make things better, and make the road brighter. That's my message.

For those looking for a small story to jump into, here. It's gonna be a Star Wars Tribute to my Lord and Savior Carrie Fisher. This one's gonna be for Tyler.

I sat rigidly in the space pod, ready for taking off. "You're doing the Rebellion a favor, Y/N." Leia told me.

"It does not feel so." You said with a tired expression, saddened by your mission. She grabbed your hand.

"Do not hesitate, he is not yours anymore, he is the Sith's now." She said with a frown, "I know it is hard. Embrace the pain after the mission, but do not, whatever you do, hesitate." You nod with a feeling of remorse as the pod closed shut. You took a deep breath before you felt the engine of the pod vibrating, flying you in the direction of the giant battle ship.

Looking out at the space surrounding, you take deep breaths, wiping away silent tears and putting on a hard facade. You had to face him, you just wished it was under better circumstances. You held your Rebellion button close to you.

"Never let that out of your sight Y/N." Tyler said warmly. "This, this button, represents hope. For the galaxy, for our world. For us." Tyler said with a smile.

You smile fondly at the memory as the battleship opens its doors to suck your pod inside of the ship. You take huge gulps of precious air as you land heavily into the hangar of the ship. You are greeted with no less than shackles. You hold the button tightly as your hands are clasped with cuffs. Tyler is the first to greet you besides the storm troopers. You almost cry out in surprise at his look, he was pale, his hair grew long, his eyes were dark with red veins, scars lined his cheeks and lips. He had a metal leg and a very stoic look to his face. This was not the Tyler you knew. The Tyler you knew had kind eyes with an awkward shift in stance, with a smile playing at his lips when you were around, the only scar he had back then was the one under his eye when he took a whip in his face for you after disobeying the 'Order'.

You let out a shaky breath as you looked him up and down, "You've changed." You say.

He narrows his eyes, "So have you." You were just as battle warn, battle scars rattling your arms from blaster grazes and whip marks from the order, and scars on your face from combat on the field. Your eyes were calculating although sadness was visible. You looked tired, but not afraid. Tyler remembered you as a happy young girl, Wild at heart but soft at touch. You were fair, and loyal. You still are, but Tyler is blinded by his dark side. "Come on." He says at last, taking you to the sith.

You move along quickly, your heart racing faster as you near the famed court room of the sith. You feared the sith if anyone. The sith was powerful, a dark side entity, not a human, not a creature. Just dark power.

"Welcome." The sith greeted with a sickly purr. You looked on bravely, seeing the shadow figure. It had demon red eyes, it slouched in its chair and the only visible piece of it was it's fingers. The nails were rotting and the skin was gray and bones. You shivered at the sight. You took a deep breath and looked in its eyes.

"I come on the behalf of the Rebellion."

"You come for your people? Tell me child, do you come for your people, or do you come in the name of your people?" He asked inquiringly. You didn't know how to answer.

"Do you use the name Rebellion as a shield of your fear?"

"No." You answer.

" Then why do you represent such a great Rebellion, you are nothing but a wannabe Jedi with little to no force."

You take a deep, shivering breath, "I don't need the force, and I don't hide behind the Rebellion. I am the Rebellion." You answer strongly.

"What a strong soul, just like Tyler it seems. He was a hard person to break, but he came around. You will die at his hands then. Irony if you will." He said waving his hand. Tyler came forward his eyes red and soulless. You let a single tear run down your face. You do not fight.

He raises his lightsaber, but you noticed it. His hands were shaking. You looked at his eyes. He was tearing up. "Tyler." You whisper. "It's ok." You raise your hands to touch him. He let out a pained sigh.

You frown deeply. You knew what you had to do. You grimaced as you took his hands between yours. You led his lightsaber down. "I'm with you till the end of the line." You say. You smile and his hands weaken. You take your chance.

You take the saber from his hands and take it away. You do what you must. You throw it and push your hand out at the same time as the sith. The sith was using the dark side to keep the lightsaber from stabbing him through. He commanded the stormtroopers to stop, "it's my fight." He said angrily. You use your own force to fight the sith and kill him.

Your force is not strong enough to take him alone. No one moved, it was a match between wills between you and the Sith. You think of your best memories, battling along side your family and Tyler. Learning the ways of the force with Leia, and mastering it with Tyler. You let tears stream down your face as you faced the Sith, willing all of your energy into the force to put the Sith down.

You caught your breath for a moment, catching Tyler move in the corner of your eye. This was the end. You would die at the hands of your lover.

You were graciously mistaken. You saw him lift his hand and will the force with you. Slowly, the light saber moved forward, pushing deep inside the Sith, the Sith broke into dark blood and his injury bloomed with a dark hiss. He screeched with a sickly terror. You let out a sigh of relief as you let your arm down.

You embrace in his arms. Letting yourself cry in his arms. You know the hellfire is dawning upon you, but you ignore it, burying your face in his neck. You had Tyler. Your rebellion was over.

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