Fairy Tale AU, Beauty and the Beast~Tyler

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This is a very short summary on this, it's definitely terrible because I (don't tell anyone) have never watched the original or new 2017 beauty and the beast movie...)

You wore a beautiful red dress that hung down to your knees. You were fearful of what was to come, you had promised the man you would share his house.

Your father was farther in debt than either of you could imagine, but the man said if you lived with him, he would take fifty percent of your debt off.

You choke as the cold doors fling open. He stood there, he was a beast. He had red eyes, black hands and neck, he wore a red beanie low on his forehead and black clothes only. He would have been a handsome man if it weren't for the cold, cold expression he wore.

You tremble in fear as he hears you. "Come in." He says, his voice surprisingly soft. You nod and walk inside, the rooms were lit with soft lights and candles, he lived in a very big house. You stop in the center of the room carefully. You turn to look at him, he was staring at you, his eyes glazed over.

You clear your throat, which snaps him out of it. "Dinner should be ready." He muttered, passing you into another room. You hastily follow him, you were amazed at the meal prepared. You had lived off left overs and fast food for moths, to see a whole cooked chicken made your mouth water, the salad, the wine, the food was just amazing.

"Sir, you, uh, why did you did you want this? For me to stay?" You ask carefully.

He stops eating. "Because I care."


"Care. I care about you. You were in that home, that's no life for a girl like you." He said.

"But, I just, why me? You could have killed my father, sued him, anything, but this?"

"Why would I sue your father when he has nothing to give to me? Why kill him when his death won't benefit me? You, your worth something to me." He responded.

"That was very kind of you sir." You say, blushing a bit.

He stayed silent before peeking up. "Do you like music?"

"Well, yes, I do." You say timidly.

"Here, I'll sing to you...if you like?" He asked.

You smile, "Sure."

He stands, and snaps his fingers. A ukulele snaps to life, hopping forward excitedly into his hands. He plucks the strings for a moment, finding his tune.

"You're the judge, Oh no
Set me free
You're the judge, Oh no
Set me free
I know my soul's freezing
Hell's hot for good reason
So please, take me"

He sings melodically. You smile at his soft voice.

"That was amazing, uh..."

"Oh, Tyler." He responds, cracking a smile. Something was different about him.

His eyes. His eyes were brown.

You blink thinking your eyes were faking you out, but he continued to change, his face grew warm, his hands retracted from the dark paint, his neck lost the black, he pulled his hat off, he was Tyler.

"Oh my god, years, years! Thank you, thank you!" He cried out, hugging you.

"Oh my god, Tyler." You say, flustered.

"You freed me, Blurryface had taken over, but you saved me Y/N." he said, his shoulders shaking in excitement.

"I, I-"

Tyler kisses you eagerly. You kiss him back.

"I love you."
" I love you too."

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