Supernatural AU~Josh Pt.2

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Warning:Involves near death/death expierience


"Oh." Was all you could say, you were blushing till you were sure you were as red as a hooker's lipstick. You look back to when Joshua saved you in Ohio just twenty minutes ago. There was the strange feeling, it felt as if you were walking on clouds and were dreaming, it was a pleasant feeling, perhaps a sign of foreshadow?

You look to the ground, not wanting to look him in the eyes. Joshua did not seem awkward to admit it, neither did Castiel, but Dean was definitely the odd man out. He slowly backed away from the angels and headed off to get away from the awkward moment.

"I'll leave you to it." Cas says without a second glance, within the next second a gust of wind and the sound of wings was all that was to say that Cas was there, he had zapped away.

You kicked some rocks, unsure.

"Y/N." Josh says softly. It makes your heart swell to hear your name. You look up and the look on his face gives you confidence. He had a small smile on his face, but his eyes almost seemed proud. You smiled back, he was a very handsome man, his eyes soft and puppy like, while his hair and gauges, although a wild, outlandish choice, made him look more boyish and innocent to the world.

You were cut off from your moment from the sound of angel wings. You turn around at Joshua's surprised face and you find in front of you,Raphael.

You were stunned, you didn't know what to do, he threw you aside. Joshua went to get to you, but it happened to fast, Raphael held him at bay with an angel blade. Another angel came from behind, grabbing you and suddenly there was a red hot pain.

He fell to the ground with a scream, and in the next moment, he was gone, Raphael only came to send his warning. You choke as you put your arm on your stomach, touching the wound. You fall to the ground in a heap, Joshua now beside you.

"Oh Father,why?" He sobbed. You couldn't answer him.You blacked out.

But you woke up. You were in a white filled room, with beautiful paintings, masses of food, but there was no one there but you. You circle the room before you come to a stop, no in or out doorway, where were you?

"Hello,Y/N." says a voice. You spin around. It takes you a moment to recognize the small figure, with curly hair and a beard.


"Chuck is merely, my vessel." Says, whoever was inside of Chuck.

"Then who are?"

"Oh, you know me. You pray to me, at least you did, I am your maker; I am God." He says with a wave of a hand. The room changes to the scenery of where you were when Raphael killed you. You were still there, white, dead, bloody.

"Aren't I dead?"


"Then where's my reaper?"

"I figured I could make an exception, on your choice, of course."

"What do you mean?"

"Y/N, you are a very important person.Do you know why Raphael killed you instead of Joshua?"

"No, but I have a feeling you'll tell me."

"You are the end of the war, you are grace, you are peace, you are the future I've been watching since you were born."

"What do you mean?"

"I've been watching over every single one of your ancestors to ensure you were part of the future."

"I don't understand why though!"

"Because of this moment, you can end the war; I didn't want to see my children torn apart!" God snaps. You flinch as he takes a deep breathe, "You are being given a second chance."

"At what?"

"Being alive."

"You mean-I'll just return to normal? Everything will go back the way it was, I'll be Joshua's soul mate, I'll continue being a hunter?"

"There, are, consequences..." God says carefully.

"What are they?" You ask.

"You won't be human."

Part Three Coming Soon

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