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"Ty, can you get Sheppard's pacifier?" You ask, bouncing you one year old son on your lap as he started to cry a bit. Tyler smiled as he looked at you before grabbing the rubber pacifier and shooting it like a basket ball, luckily, you played soft ball as a kid and caught it with ease. You put it in his mouth and he immediately calmed and started sucking on it.

You put him asleep an hour later in his crib. Tyler grabbed your waist from behind as he put his head on your shoulder and looked down at his son. Sheppard has Tyler's hair, along with your eyes and his nose and his lips.

"I can't believe I'm a father." He sighed.

"Believe it." You whisper as Tyler touches his son's cheek before kissing you and saying,

"I think I could have more later on." He offered with a tiny smile.

"I could too." You say after hesitating.

"Ok, the next one can be Josh." He decided.

You laugh. "What if its a girl?" You ask with a smile.

"Joshalina." He said, you chuckled, guiding the two of you from your son's room and closing the door quietly behind you.


"Hey mom! I'm going over to Sheppard's house!" Your son, Zane shouts from the front door. You wave to him from the living room where you sit with Josh and your eight month old daughter,Hanna, as Josh holds a phone in her face, making her smile and giggle as he make faces behind the camera.

"Do you worry about Zane?" You ask, a bit anxious.

"Y/N.We live on the edge of Ohio, no one seems to even know this neighborhood exists, and we know every neighbor here. Zane is just going a block away, besides, Tyler wouldn't let anything happen to him."

"I know, I just hope he stays safe, and I hope he doesn't think we're neglecting him." You whisper.

"Y/N. I'll tell you something, Zane is a very smart kid, he asked me why people were sad, and we talked for a while. He's only twelve, I know, but he needs to know these things. I said to him, 'Zane, if you ever feel that we don't pay attention enough, or we make you sad, just go away from here, run away and never come back'-"

"Josh!" You say, slapping his arm.

"He hasn't left us yet!" He whines to you. "My point is, you, and me, are doing fine at this parenting thing."

"Ok." I sigh after a minute.

"By the way, can we get a dog now?" He asked. All you could do was laugh.

"We'll see, Josh, we'll see."

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