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You were parking the car, trying to avoid the curb that separated the cement and grass. It was not easy, as Tyler screamed every time you creeped to close to the curb. Not just a little shout, a full, terrified, scream.

"WATCH OUT!!!!!"

"Tyler!" You shout, frustrated by him screaming in your ear for the third time. He giggled none the less and unbuckled before hopping out of the terribly parked car. You jumped out after him shaking off your frustration.

You let Tyler take all the food, as he insisted he was stronger, which only agitated you more.You take the blanket and paper weights to hold the blanket down as you trudged after Tyler.

Tyler marched up a hill, halting on top of the hill and setting the food under a tree. You and Tyler set up the blanket before sitting down, you don't speak as you rip open the plastic baggies, agitated at Tyler's maddening state, him thinking he was stronger and a better driver. Tyler, you loved him, but sometimes he just made you wish he wouldn't say a word.

"Y/N..." He starts.

"What?" You snap.

"What's wrong?"

"What's wrong? What's wrong is the fact you think I can't handle the simplest task as to park a car!" You half shout, letting your anger out.


"I what? I just thought shouting in a confined car would help me drive better?"

"I'm sorry." He pouted, showing the most apologetic face ever, his eyes round, his cheeks red, and his lips in a quiver.

Your heart melted, "No, Tyler, I shouldn't have let that get to me, you were just joking-"

"Are we ok?" He asked.

"Of course." You laugh at his easily changed mood and expression. He grinned and grabbed you around the waist before pulling you down the hill, you both rolling till you reached the bottom, Tyler on top of you.

"I am sorry Y/N." he said, even though he was chuckling.

"I know." You say, blowing air in his face and blowing away a piece of grass stuck in his hair. He kissed your nose as he reached slowly upwards.

Next thing you know, your stuck under his weight as he tickles you mercilessly.


Josh is more of the cuter acting one more than the funny one, he of course, takes responsibility of the heaviest items and tries showing off between juggling apples and balancing juice boxes on his head. You of course laugh, which gives Josh more confidence in his acts as he wants to make it the best night for you and him.

"Josh, your gonna ruin the drinks!" You say with a laugh as he pulls out a bottle of wine, which was really just grape juice with extra sugar, as you were a non alcohol drinker and he knew it. He tries balancing the bottle on his forehead, leaning back and watching the sky, praying the bottle didn't fall and break.

You smile as he carefully pulls the bottle off, as it was a good sized bottle! You kiss him, "Josh, you don't need to be in a circus to make me happy." You smile at him and he crushes you in a hug.

"I still love when you laugh at it though." He chuckles, holding your shoulders.

"Aw, Jishwa." You coo, he rolls his eyes but lets you pet his fluffed up red hair.

"Y/N." He mimics your voice before pulling you down to eat.

You both eat, passing back phones to see videos of concerts you missed from his and the ones he missed of yours. He laughs at the old Halloween video, you playing away with the red hazed eyes and beanie.

You hadn't realized it before, but you thought your lead singer looked like Tyler too. Maybe they had done the same thing, although your lead singer didn't have the black neck and hands, he had the style of Tyler, black everything, sunglasses, crazy random stunts....

"Huh." You say as you and Josh exchange the comments about it. You both agree and move on, planning to ask about it later.

"Look Y/N! Orion's Belt." He pointed to a jumble of tiny stars collected together and he moved his hand from side to side to show where it reaches.

"Thank you Josh, this has been amazing." You thank him, rolling into his side, your hand on his chest and his arm around you.

" Love you."

" Love you, too."

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