Supernatural AU~Josh pt.3

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"What do you mean?" You ask in a child like manner.

"I mean, you'll become an angel, but not just any angel. An archangel. Just say the words and your name will be part of every Bible, search icon, everything that has to do with archangels." He says.

You look to your body, Josh had returned, his eyes blank, as if looking at nothing as he kneeled beside you, praying.

"Father, I do not deserve to ask this, but please, let Y/N be ok, she didn't want this, I didn't want this, revive her, please!" He cried. You turn to Chuck, God. He shrugs,

"It's in your hands."

"Does that mean I have to spend eternity as an angel?"

"Yes, but Joshua does too, and he doesn't get a second soul mate. Trust me, Y/N." He urges. You pause before hesitantly looking to him.

You nod.

He walks towards you, placing a warm hand on your forehead. Suddenly, you see everything, from Adam and Eve, to the last human's death. You cry out at the sudden intake of information, every prophet to be born and every prophet dead is incrusted in your mind. Your humans you watch over as a guardian angel appears in your head, every angel you command as an archangel suddenly makes itself known, angel radio tunes in, you can feel power surfing through you like none other. You feel almost separated from yourself.

You look to Chuck, God. You gasp, you can see Chuck, but he's different, he is wearing pure white clothes, his eyes are colored gold, and his head has a glowing hue around it. You look at yourself to see you have wings, but none like Joshua's, yours are white with light gray specks around the bottom of your wings. You look at your hands which are almost see through, and also white.

"What is happening?" You ask shakily.

"Your grace has come in, now, you can go back to your vessel."

"My body?"

"Your vessel, it is no longer your body, you are an angel, you have no true body except for your form outside a vessel now." He says firmly. You nod and look at the...vessel. You close your eyes and will yourself in, as if you had done it before for centuries.

You take a deep breath in, opening your eyes. You could feel yourself inside the vessel, but it felt different, as if in a loose coat. You get up slowly.

"Y/N?" You heard his voice, it was Joshua. You hear footsteps running towards you, not just one pair however.

Joshua comes to a halt just before he reaches you, stopping everyone. "You-you're a-"

"Yes,Joshua, I am an angel now." You say lifting your head. You felt your grace surge forward, everyone except Joshua and Castiel avert or close their eyes. You feel your wings extend as they look at you, a loss for words.

Joshua comes up first, hugging you.

"I'll never let you get hurt again." He says with a shaky breath. You hug him back,

"Thank you for praying for me Josh." You whisper.

"Thank you for staying alive for me." He says.

You pull apart, but he only starts to kiss you. You deepen the kiss till a moment later to breathe and touch foreheads.

"Now, lets go find Raphael, I've gotta go kick some angel ass."

The end...?

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