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You watch him sing every concert your at, not taking bathroom breaks or snack breaks, though its hard keeping up with his tour, he somehow convinced you to travel most of his tour with him. You were now in Ohio, his hometown.

"I'm back Ohio!Missed me?" He laughed into the microphone as he jumped out on stage, greeting the screaming fans. "Of course I'm here with my buddy Josh, and my girlfriend is somewhere in the pit, Y/N." I smile at his mention and he starts off with House of Gold,your favorite. Josh and Tyler play for hours, not wanting to leave the clique, when you think the show is over, it's not. Tyler makes a mad dash around the security guards and climbs up a beam. He's singing stressed out from atop the beam and he waves at the fans below.

He searches for you and finds you, he climbs down from the beam at the end of the song and walks to you after a harsh exchange of words with the stage manager. He hugs you, the fans screaming, one girl next to you screamed 'OTP' at the top of her lungs as he pulled off his beanie and put it on you, and joining Josh back on stage putting his shirt back on and flipping his SnapBack backwards.


Josh always hooked you and (A family member/friend) up with tickets, making sure you went to as many concerts as possible. He always gave you one of his multiple snap backs to wear back stage as he played. When he goes on stage he gives you a kiss and sprints to his drums.

He always asks Tyler to include one of your many favorites, tonight it was the newest favorite, Heathens. He beats his drums passionately and he points a stick out to the fans who scream at his pointing. A stage manager came rushing over, "Are you Y/N?"


"We need your help, Mr. Joseph wanted you out on stage tonight, your on when the song stops." Just then, the last note hits and the song is over, and the crowd goes wild.

"So guys, as you know, Josh has a new girl." Tyler starts pacing slightly. "He wanted to do something funny for you all and something adorable for himself, so here is Y/N!" You suddenly self conscience as the manager sweeps you away from your (Friend/Family Member) and onto the stage.

Josh grabs you around the waist, by the expense of many new GIFs and photoshopped pictures. Tyler waves at you and says "We're going to play spin the wheel, kinda like spin the bottle, but with actions." He says. A man pushes a literal wheel into the stage. It has different actions, such as 'whip cream' and 'kiss' and 'reverse'. "So what happens is that you have to do whatever the wheel says to the person on your right."

Josh sits to the right of me, and we begin. Tyler spins first, it lands on 'Sharpie' "Okay, so what this means is that I get to draw on Y/N." he says nonchalantly. The crowd laughs as you gape in anger. "Why are you looking at me like that?This is Josh's idea." He laughs a little, though trying to act serious. He picks up a marker and pushes the hair from your forehead before drawing.

After he's done, a mirror is brought out. You laugh slightly before letting the audience see. It says 'Tyler was here.'

"Classic." You say sarcastically. He shrugs. You spin the wheel. "Exchange clothes." You say aloud. He immediately takes off his shirt and the whole audience screams. You blush, and shake your head, You were wearing a button down which would be too small for Josh. You put his shirt on first then, without showing off anything off, you manage to give Josh your shirt which he puts on, the bottom of the shirt is inches from where his stomach actually ends, and he can't button the shirt without breaking it.

Josh spins next and it lands on 'Kiss.'

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