First Fair

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You and Tyler decided to go to your local fair in Ohio. Tyler is skeptical but elated. You are excited, as a kid you used to show animals at the fair and do 4-H, now you get to see others do so and see old friends and do rides and games.

When you reach the fair, you head for the animals first. Tyler and you go to the chickens where an older kid was showing Clover Buds (young 4-H kids) his hen. When his demonstration is over Tyler looks over to you and says "We should get pictures with animals." You were more than happy that Tyler was trying to make this more fun for the both of you, and you said yes happily.

The boy informs Tyler about holding the chicken before handing it off. You open his camera and hold it up, just before you snap the picture, the hen starts freaking out, waving its wings and climbing up Tyler's chest. You snap several pictures, while laughing like crazy as the boy takes the chicken back. Your on the ground laughing, Tyler red in the face but chuckling a little.

You move on, later getting pictures with rabbits, sheep, and pigs. When you get to the cows, Tyler is covered in dust from head to toe, as the dust sticks out on his black pants and white shirt. He snaps pictures of the steers and calves. He looks up from one calf and turns saying,

"Me and Josh should get matching tattoos of that baby cow on our calves."

You shake your head while smiling at his stupid joke. He side hugs you and laughs before taking a selfie with you.


"Come on Y/N!" He yells at you from down stairs. You and Josh were going on a date to the fair grounds to do games and rides. You rush down stairs, wearing a plain tshirt and baggy jeans with sneaker.

Josh is also wearing baggy jeans but with a sweatshirt on.

"It's gonna be hot out there Josh..." You warn.

"I've got a shirt under this, I'll just take it off in the car." He says.

You nod in response and you head off down to the fair. Along the way, some fans saw you in the car and waved or screamed or even snuck pictures, Josh never minded though, so neither did you.

You go through the gates and he asks "What first?" You look around, and immediately see a mirror maze. He looks at the maze then back at you before sighing and smiling.

Your laughing at Josh as he smacks into the mirror, just before you do the same. You've been doing this for five minutes only and your already hurting all over from hitting into mirrors so much.

"Y/N." he starts wining, only, he thinks your there, but it's a mirror.

"Yes?" You answer sweetly.

"How do we get out?" He pouts before trying to kiss the mirror, only to get a face full of mirror. He seems surprised before seeing you on the other side of the hall, laughing. He trots over to you and kisses your forehead, this time, your not a mirror, and he smiles.

When you make it out, already playing games and rides, you see it's getting cooler out. Your out near a playground, sitting on a bench resting.

"I'm cold." A child says to another.

"Did you bring a jacket?" The other asks, zipping up a tiny fleece jacket.

"No I forgot it." The child says sadly. Josh looks down at his sweatshirt before getting up and walking towards the kid.

"Do you need a sweatshirt?" He asked. The boy nods timidly, Josh is at least a foot or two taller, but you see happiness replace the shyness of the boy as Josh hands the child, who is at least six or seven, his sweatshirt. The boy thanks him and puts it on, running after his friend.

"That was sweet." Is all you say before cuddling next to Josh till you leave.

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