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Sometimes take what life gives because you don't know what it has in package for you.
                                                             ~ Malika Zaidi

I see him as he cut all the things of which I don't know into small small cubes. Who thought Mr. Grant Roger, the son of Mr. Roger Walls, the multimillionaire would be cooking food for me? I smile at that grand thought.

"What are you smiling at?" He asked and I vanished all my smile and stood there blank. Now is it a crime to smile?

"Sorry I didn't ask your permission." I said blankly and covered my mouth. Please don't fire me. That was unintentional. He laughed. He laughed? Wow that's new.

"No I wouldn't reject your smile though. You are more beautiful that way." He said looking more godly himself. A sudden urge to roll inside the carpet and put myself in the basement crawled in my brain. I don't take such compliments nicely because that only reminds me of Jake, who always had his eyes on my lips when I smiled. I was beautiful no doubt but instead of making me happy it only terrorised me. I felt like giving all my beauty away only to feel safe in my own house. What is more important- beauty or security?

And the chances of security lessens drastically when you are highly beautiful. It scares me. People are really focused on beauty these days. Ask them to live a life Like mine for one day. I'm sure most of them will not waste their lives in looking beautiful.

The time I think of Jake, it feels like he is still wandering his eyes over my body and satisfying himself with he is getting by doing that. The thought itself makes me to puke. How disgusting can be that man who is so handsome and good looking outside but actually is spawn of Satan.

"Kay! Are you even listening?!!" Someone shook me out of my nightmare and I looked at him. His baby blue orbs shining with concern and his jaw ticked and his hands on my shoulder. For once I felt i should just fall in his arms just to know if i could be safe in there. But I couldn't do that and I knew it very well.

"What happen? Why are you sweating like you saw a nightmare?" He asked touching me on my forehead to check if I had fever. His touch sent shivers down my spine and felt very over whelming at the same time.

I myself checked my forehead and to the truth of his words, I was sweating. Only if he knew I lived a nightmare for two years. No one does. Only I do.

"I'm sorry." I said and passed by him to take a glass of water. He caught my hand and swirled me around to completely face him. This time his baby blue orbs had wrath boiling in them.

"No. Instead of being sorry, can you please tell me what scares you so much?" He asked and I glared back at him and his hand which had a tight grip on my own.

"Sorry Mr. Grant! But that doesn't bother your investors! The files does!" I hissed at him and he brought me more closer.

"Oh so we are playing 'office office' now? I'm not buying that crap!" He told blankly with nothing else but fire in his eyes. Just then the knock on my door interrupted this Dick's anger. I pulled my hand from his wildly and walked towards the door. But I could feel his eyes on me or on my back.

I open the door and there stood a tightly smiling neighbour of mine. I smiled back at her. She is usually here to give me food whenever her mom cooks something special but today she had nothing in her hands.

"Hey Suez! What's up?" I asked her and she again smiled a sugar coated smile. That reminded me of the last time she was here with such a smile. She wanted me to act like her elder sister in her college. But that failed miserably because the principal was one of our investors and they knew me.

Indifference. (#Watty's2016)Where stories live. Discover now