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Because you are someone so special, you are my friend.
                                                               ~ Hilal Nayak

I woke up to the stupid noise of my alarm and threw it to floor from the night stand. Annoying alarm. I rubbed my eyes and tried to remember about when I had fallen asleep and all the scenes from last night flashed in front of me.

I walked out of the room and into the living room to check if the majesty was still there but all I found was a sprawled open blanket on the floor. I checked the time and it said 8:03 a.m. and I huffed. Suez must also have left.

Just then my phone sang beside you from five seconds of summer and I checked the caller ID it flashed the majesty with a smirking pic of the majesty. Like seriously! That's what he did before leaving? Take snaps from my cell and exchanged numbers?

I picked up the call and put it on speaker.

"Hello? What do you want?" I asked blankly and he chuckled.

"Good morning to you too. Miss Emerson." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"I just called to-" I cut him. "To let me know that today morning before leaving you messed up with my phone and took some snaps and that you wanted to remind me that I have to be in office in time and also to alert me to lock my phone." I said in one breathe and sighed.

"Are you done? My my! I called you just to ask you to lock the door which I had left open because you were sleeping and I didn't want to wake you up." He said and I  gaped. Is he for real? He left the door unlocked because he didn't want to disturb me? I would have slept for ever if some one had barged in.

"Thank you? For giving me a peaceful sleep which could have extended to forever in case somebody had barged in. I don't believe you are a responsible CEO of a reputed company,grant?" I told in the phone and could feel him smirk from the other side.

"Okay I don't have full day to listen to you praising me. I'll have to go. And if you don't hurry up, you might get late." He said and hung up and I smiled. After all the stupidity he does, I get a feeling that somewhere he is good guy.

I went and locked the door and headed to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and took a shower. It is very hot outside. Seems like its the end of summer. Finally I get to love the weather. I love winters.

As I came out of the shower and walked to the walkin  closet. I heard knocks or more banging on the door. I sure as hell wouldn't go out like this to open the door so I quickly wore a bathrobe over and headed to open the door for the person who has taken a resolution to break my door today.

But wait! Who could it be? My heart started pounding loudly like as if it would come out any time. I tried to move but my feet were stuck on the place in that floor. It was impossible to move them. The banging never stopped, even for a second.

I opened the door and yelped at the man standing in front of me. I thought I would never see him again. But destiny does not roll that way. I shut the door close again on his face. It was him again. How can he just walk into my life whenever he wants and leave me as per his mood. He had no right to show me his face again.

I went inside and got dressed trying to forget that he even existed. I wanted him to leave me alone, at least after what he did to me. He should get his senses back and get the hell out of my life. No one has that right to stomp my trust over and over again.

This time I opened the door after an internal debate with myself if it is the best idea to open the door after twenty minutes. What if he is still standing out? No he wouldn't wait so much. But what if- uh not again. I stopped my brain cells from debating and opened the door and released the breathe I didn't know I was holding. Because he was not there.

I walked to the parking lot and the guard smiled at me and I scowled. He should have asked me before sending any body to my house. But right now if I go to talk to him I would surely get late for office.


I sat on the desk and worked on my new bug. That was all my work was to save the files and prepare them to kill bugs themselves. My love. I love to do this. Life can be so calm sometimes.

"Parcel for Kayra Emerson." Bob, the peon shouted from the entrance and I walked to him. But before I could even walk there Ric took it from Bob and opened it and started digging into it. He removed a photo from it and looked at me. What the hell! I snatched it from him and looked at it.

It was a picture of me sitting in a cafeteria tapping my phone on the counter table. I checked the date and it was the day I reigned from boosters and the day when I met Wade.

"Wow you look beautiful." Ric said and I liked at him trying to look calm but I was mess inside, who had sent this? May be that black man who was in black hoodie and black shawl. I suddenly started to shiver and check my surrounding. I checked the back other photo to check any name or something. I snatched the packet from ric and checked it's name and address but it was just empty. My heart rate increased to 199 times/sec.

"Kay! Are you okay? Why do you look so pale? Kay??" Ric shook the life out of me. I couldn't let him no, actually I couldn't let anybody know.

"Uh... Yeahh.. J..j..just wonderi...inng s...something." I managed out of sweat. I took a step towards washroom and stumbled on my legs. I couldn't walk. This effects me. It does a lot. I walked as calm as possible and entered the washroom. I washed my face thoroughly as my face was fully drenched in sweat.

Stay calm.

Stay calm.

Stay calm.

I walked out of the washroom and Bob called for me again. I wish it isn't any other photo of mine. This clearly means it wasn't my paranoid myself. The feeling of being stalked wasn't just hallucination it was for real.

I picked up the phone as I reached the phone desk and put it to my ear.

"Miss Emerson. In my office now!" Mr. Majesty ordered and I hung up without a word. I took my phone from the desk and walked to the lift. But somehow turned and looked at Ric who had his eyes focused on the computer screen in front of him.

"Ric! If you could just check my computer if I get a mail!" I yelled from the threshold of e lift and entered the lift. My eyes snapping from here to there just to check if I was being stalked. One I might die of this very unpleasant feeling which now I was getting in public too.

I'm a Radish writer now. You can check my stories on Radish too. Well I will be writing an upgraded version of Beyond Promises. So please check out there and please follow and share as much as possible. I would be really glad.

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