13 4 2

You are awesome....just that you are a little confused with life.
                                                                 ~Neha Khan

I woke up to a hard thing under my cheek. First I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. Then when I looked at what was so hard. I yelped so loudly that my own ears cursed me for trying to make them bleed. I was sleeping on Wade's shoulder and that was what was so hard.

He woke up with sweat all over his face. It looked like that was because of the loud yelp that escaped my mouth. He looked straight in my eyes. This should be banned. Looking straight into eyes. It should be made illegal.

"What the hell?" He said running his fingers in his hair. His voice husky due to sleep and his face as fresh as ever? Wow that's talent. How can anyone has such fresh face after having a long nap.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him getting up from the position I was sitting in. And that really awkward. He gave me an amused look.

"Like seriously? You are asking me that?" He asked and I looked at him confused. I didn't know what he was talking about.

"I don't know what you are talking about." I said picking up the soda bottles and pizza from the floor. He helped me pick them and followed me to kitchen.

"You are a heavy sleeper. Eh? Seems like you don't remember anything from last night?" He asked and I stiffened. I ain't a heavy sleeper and to talk about last night. I never slept at nights and yesterday night I slept without any life threatening thoughts.

"Alright now. You can leave. I have a job to work." I said not wanting to know what I must have told him last night.

He left without a word but with action telling me that he'll call later and I smiled at the way he wants to stick by my side for finding my very own childhood friend Raymond. He smiled back and shut the door behind him.


I reached my very new office just before the right time. I am very punctual about my work. I entered my card and the screen flashed my name with green signal and I entered smiling at the already smiling lady.

"Kayra Emerson. I'm Sandra Denver. The receptionist of gate no. 1." She said smiling at me and I smiled back with a nod. I headed towards the lift and pressed the 34 on the number panel. That's where my office was. The ding in the lift notified me that I had reached my destination. As the doors to the lift opened a very busy and populated  place was in my view and I didn't know why. Yesterday it was nothing like this. It was calm and peaceful. Not much of people were there. But today it seems like the whole R&S is right here.

"Hey!" Cedric yelled from other end and I smiled at him with no particular reason. I walked towards him and he opened his arms for me to hug him. Now that's too much to ask for. I politely put his arms down and smiled tightly at him and he chuckled.

"I kinda guessed you wouldn't hug me." He said and I looked away to the noise that distracted our conversation. It was the majesty itself walking towards the main room. I swallowed hard and looked at Cedric for answers. What was even happening?

"Don't think too much. Nothing that can bother you." He answered my question end before I voice it. Is he really telegenic. He looks at me with amusement playing on his lips. OK stop! Don't think.

"But I want to know." I urged him to answer but he nodded. Ah so hard. I glared at him and took off to my cabin. I was so busy walking with anger that I didn't know I would run into someone.

"I'm sor- Ahahahhhahah" I laughed hard as I saw the person land on the floor like a crashed helicopter. My laughter soon faded away when I saw who it was. It was the Majesty whom I just tripped on the floor. Wow karma! The way you suck sometimes.

"Very funny?" He asked getting up by himself and looking at others who were already looking at us with blank expressions. I turned to look at Cedric and he had formed his lips in a tight line in order to prevent himself from falling into a fit of laughter. I immediately looked away and meet eyes with majesty.

"I'm sorry? I didn't mean to laugh like that at you....i...iitt j..j..just escaped m..my lips." I said and controlled myself from falling into another fit.

"Make use of your eyes, Miss Emerson!" He said and left. What on earth is up with this formal freak? Its alright for once... Everyone falls in front of everyone. So what if it was my fault for once.

"Yeah! The show is over! Back to work guys!" Cedric yelled from behind me and everyone dispersed. Some to their respective floors. I was right the whole R&S was here today. I headed to my cabin without getting to know why were they all actually gathered here.

I powered my computer and waited for the loud noise to tear my ear drums. But nothing like that happened. It was the usual Microsoft Windows tune and I started to search for letters but nothing was there. The best part in this company is that you can have your cell with you, can talk to anybody, but you are not supposed to use the office computer for your personal use.

A disastrous sound made me jump up from my place and back to it. There were three very huge files and above that a grinning green orbs. He must really like to bring a disaster in my life.

"Hey Ric! What's with you interrupting my thoughts?" I asked him with a questioning look.

"Call me Ced or Cedric. And here you are to work not to live in your imaginative world. Other than that I really like to see you confused after I get you out of your dreaming nation." He said and I had the urge to spoil that smirk of his by a lipstick but I controlled it.

"Should I thank you?" I asked him and he smirked. Actually that fish of a smirk never left his face at the first but it gets highlighted when he wants it to.

"First read all these three files. Save it in your computer and just the main data should be copied and hand written. Submit it to the CEO and then you can thank me. Do it before your shift." He said and disappeared into thin air. I heaved a sigh and started reading the first file.


It was only 20 minutes more left for my shift to finish and I hadn't finished writing the main data from the second file yet. I don't know if majesty is going to like it. I never had such urge of finishing work by limits. I was always given my own time to finish my work.

I took a long breathe and started writing with full speed and in a handwriting the majesty could read. I had already started to get under his skin. I hope he doesn't kick me  out of this company. I'm liking it here. Being busy and working so much that home feels like home.

I finished writing the data of two files and the third and the last one left. The floor has started to become more vivid as the people started to become less. One more disastrous sound and all the water spread on the already written data and I stayed quite wide eyed. Did it all get wasted? All my work?  I look up to see that devil of a dick and with no surprise I see him.

"What the - Mr. Grant?" I asked with full surprise. I thought it would be Ric but to my full surprise it was someone whom I never expected the majesty himself here.

"I'm sorry?" He asks and that's when my blood boils. I feel like throttling him to death here. Scratch all his highness till my foot. All my hard work is drowned under water. Uhhh!! I wish all that but all I can do is glare at him.


So here is another chapter with less of a thrill and more of fun and beautiful things. Hope you liked it.

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