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I have decided to write big chapters from now on. Isn't that a great news ........for you?

Sometimes you throw yourself so down in thoughts that the height of the cliff looks smaller.
                                                        ~Imad Hussain
                  (I owe you a life for all your motivating thoughts brother)

I parked the car in the parking lot of Rogers and Sons ,its parking lot was like the whole Europe continent. Okay that was surely exaggeration but seriously it was one of the biggest parking lots the world could have. And this was the parking lot was for outsiders only. Looking at the height of the building I think the parking lot for insiders might take up to whole Arabian sea.

I go towards the main gate from I have to enter the building for my orientation. I'm on the ground with a loud thud and come back to reality and realised that I had tried to walk over a glass door. The body guard gave me a disbelieving look. I got up and brushed the dirt off from my jeans and smiled at him and he scowled.

"I'm here for my first orientation." I said and he opened the gates for me still scowling. I enter the building to the fragrance of antiseptic cleaner for tiles. I could feel someone's eyes on me and it made me suddenly a little uncomfortable. But that was the last thing I wanted to feel today. So I walked to the reception.

"I'm here for my orientation." I said to the pretty lady that wore a everlasting fake smile for everyone. Her green eyes making me look my reflection in hers.

"I was told to expect a girl with hazel eyes and brunette long hair and a beautiful smile. And I guess you are the one. Miss Kayra Emerson? Head to the 46th floor to the CEO's office." She said and I was overwhelmed by her words and started walking to the lift when something else struck my brain. She was expecting me because she was asked to by her boss. Was I being desperate yesterday when Mr. Grant Roger offered me a job. How did he know I would come? And did he say 'beautiful smile'?

"Excuse me! Get in!" The person shook me out of my reverie and I looked at the person who brought a little tsunami in my body. He had anime green orbs and light brown hair playing on his forehead and an amused smile.

I immediately looked away as I realised how I was checking him out. I entered the lift and pressed '46' number on the pallet of number which 68 as its last number. That means this building had 68 floors. That was quite huge. The ding in the lift notified me to get out and I did.

I knocked on the door of the astonishing hallway. The door had 'CEO' written in golden words and.....nothing else but it still looked out of this world. I adored its beautiful furniture. Grand. In its own way.

I opened the door and stood there just taking in the environment around me. Boosters was nothing compared to this. The office had huge glass walls reflecting my face like a mirror. One end had a huge plasma TV and a formal couch with some bean bags. There was a refrigerator having all sorts of drinks and foods. Where as the other end was completely different. It had a bookshelf with millions of books in it. And at the center sat the majesty, Mr. Grant Roger. The amazing part was when you look at the center,all you can focus on is the man who defines focus. One can never see the other two ends when the eyes are at the center for two reasons, one: because one's eyes can only see the limited space and the corners don't come in that limits in this case. Second: you can never look anywhere else once you look at the man sitting in front of you with all his highness.

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