I thought I wouldn't be

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*Harry's P.O.V*

6 months later

My feet were anxiously drumming against the ground as I waited for Jia to arrive. My mind wandering around with millions of questions to ask her about my Jade.

The past 6 months consisted of the boys and I on tour and I never really got the chance to speak to Jia about how Jade's doing in detail. She would tell me how Alex is not nice to Jade but never opened to me how and why.

"Harry, calm down. She's on her way" I heard Liam speak up. Liam and Zayn were here at my place while the others including Gem and Lottie were out to eat.

When Jia told me that she would like to specifically meet up and talk about Jade, I couldn't think straight. I asked her if everything was alright and all she said was we'll talk.

"She's here" Liam said and got up to open the door. I was so caught up in my thoughts that I hadn't heard the door bell. "Hello, Jia" Liam greeted and she did too with a smile. As soon as her eyes met my anxious ones, her smile turned into a sympathetic one.

"Hi" she greeted me and gave me a hug. A friendly gesture that we all allowed her to show. The boys and I befriended her and now, she's a friend to us rather than just a maid. True she helps Jade with the housework but we never call her a maid.

"Hey. Take a seat" I replied. "Zayn bring some juice for Jia" I said. "So" I started diverting my attention fully to her in anticipation. Liam sat on the couch near us with his mug.

Jia sighed before speaking up. "She's alright" she said breaking my heart. My face turned into a frown. "Go on" I said waiting for her to continue. "He hasn't changed at all. But surprisingly he never cheats on Jade, how I was expecting" she said referring to his drunk nights.

"He hits her" she said "A lot" and I could already feel tears brimming in my eyes at the thought of Jade's skin being bruised by someone she despises.

Zayn brought a glass of juice for her as she thanked him and continued.

"I tried to lure him to me. But he just doesn't find the interest. He just needs money for gambling and alcohol to keep his mind off the responsibilities he has taken upon himself" she said.

"Tell me about her" I said. I didn't need to hear about him. She's all that matters.

Jia sighed once again before speaking up. "She said something that struck me a few nights ago on the phone" she said. "I have it recorded" she pulled out her phone and played the call recording.

Jia, there was a time when I wandered in a garden of roses. Once in my life. Being foolish, I picked one hesitantly. It was beautiful and I never thought that I could put it close to my heart so much. I watered it with love and made sure it stayed protected... But soon the day came when the rose was someone else's property and the feeling of possession became vague to me.

I would often see the rose blooming in someone else's house and I would sob at my loss. It would be protected and get watered by someone that's not me. Those days turned again when the rose appeared back into my possession. I forgot everything right there and ignored the voice in the back of my head. I continued to water it with love and protected it as if it were mine and only mine from the beginning.

All my ends and my beginnings. I gave all of mine yet every rose comes with a thorn that betrays and leaves you in darkness. No matter how much you try to make things go back to how they were. And so was I betrayed. Jia, I thought I wouldn't be. I thought when I would go back and try to make things work, I would be accepted. But it was too late.

And here I lie. Memories flooding every now and then numbing me slowly. I wish I hadn't loved someone so much in my life.

And that's when the recording ended.

"Harry, I'm sure the rose she hesitantly picked was you" I heard Jia speak in almost a whisper.

Never did I think Jade could say something that struck me and numbed all of me. I stayed in my position as her words played in my head.

And so was I betrayed. Jia, I thought I wouldn't be.

Betrayal. She hoped not to be betrayed.

"Harry?" I felt Liam shaking me. When my attention snapped towards him, I didn't stop myself from letting the held back tears fall.

"Harry, I know it's hard for you to take all of this in but you have to be strong." Jia spoke up. "I know how much Jade means to you. And I surely know how much you mean to Jade. In order for it to work, we all need you and Jade both to be strong" she continued. I quietly listened to her as Liam tried to comfort me.

"I did have something to tell you that you should know, but that can wait" she said making me curious once again as I sniffled and wiped my tears.

"If it's something related to Jade being hurt then I don't want to hear" my voice came out hoarse.

"It's not but I'll save it for later. I'll go get some water for you" she said leaving the living room and going to the kitchen.

"Harry, mate" Liam spoke up in a sympathetic voice. I wiped the remaining tears as Jia came back with a glass of water for me.

"Just tell me. I need to know everything" I mumbled loud enough for her to hear as I looked for her to speak up.

She sighed and took a deep breath and opened her mouth to speak but closed again. "Speak!" I said a little louder impatient for what she was hiding regarding Jade. What she spoke next completely stuck me frozen.

"She's going to be a mother... she's carrying Alex's child"

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