This time

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*Harry's P.O.V*

"Did you miss me?" Tanya spoke up launching her arms towards me as soon as I heard a door slam close. I briefly closed my eyes before letting Tanya go and letting her come in.

"You didn't answer me, Harry" she said twirling around the living room as she plopped herself on the couch.

"I didn't. And what are you here for?" I asked her. Jade must've seen Tanya...

"Oh Harry. Wait who's here?" Tanya asked getting up.

"No one. Now tell me what you came her for" I stated. She ran her hands through her straight brunette hair before battling her eyelashes at me. Something I used to fall for. But not anymore.

"Remember we had a talk about me knowing Jade's boyfriend?" She asked.

"That will not be needed anymore. I don't need your help. I'm fine. You may leave" I said and pointed towards the door.

She looked at me bewildered before getting up from the couch, walking towards me, reaching forward to hold my face in her hands but I held her wrists and placed them back on either sides of her body.

"Right. Don't fucking tell me she's here" bingo. I sighed nodding.

"Now please leave" I told her.

"Fine. But don't fucking expect me to be there when you need me" she said.

"I won't be needing you. Ever. Tanya. You were my past. A mistake" I said. I had forgotten about Tanya long ago and I have no plans in helping it return. She looked at me with disgust laced on her face before she turned around and stormed out of the door.

As soon as the door was shut, the house went silent again. Only my breathing was audible and I had to go fix what had been done due to Tanya. Today was already very hectic. It was hectic since last night. I had to fix everything. I walked upstairs again to the guest room. Please, Jade. I hope you didn't see Tanya. I wished.

I opened the door to reveal Jade laying on her side with the blanket placed on her, her hand caressing Brooklyn as her gaze was focused on the wall in front of her.

"Jade?" I said and immediately she was snapped out of her thoughts. She got up and sat but didn't meet my gaze. Yep she saw Tanya. She's not meeting my gaze. That's what she usually does when something's frustrating her.

"Are you alright?" I asked. All she did was nod.

"No you're not. Tell me what's going on in that head of yours" I said.

"Harry I'm fine. Stop being so authoritative over me" she said hurting me.

"I spent a few years being your husband, I know you better than anyone else. Now tell me what's wrong" that's what struck her. She should know better than that. I've been with her for a period of time that allowed me to learn so much about her.

"Can you stop acting like you're still my husband!" She shouted. I clenched my jaw.

"I know you've helped me. A lot. And I know it's wrong for me to be this close to someone I have a past with. I need to keep my distance but with you trying to get to me and taking care of Brooklyn, makes me know that I've failed in what I needed to do. I'm sorry and I will repay you however much you have spent on me. I know I'm a burden on you. It's just that I'm helpless right now" her voice faded in the end.

"Jade, you're never a burden on me" I whispered. How could she think that she's a burden on me.

"And as far as it goes of you repaying me, Jade I am the one who should be repaying. I know that I am the one who can never repay you for what you have done to me. I'm completely in love with you. Why can't you see that! I made mistakes, but I'm willing to fix them by showing you how much I actually care about you.. And now Brooklyn. Why don't you let me fix them?!" I shouted completely frustrated with myself.

"You made mistakes but I don't want Brooklyn to be affected by them, Harry. Please don't be a fatherly figure for him when his own father is not here. And besides you're back with Tanya. So it doesn't even stand a chance that you can be near him" she whispered. Oh. That's the reason she isn't letting me near him.

"It's not my fucking problem that his father doesn't want his own child. I am willing to take care of him, if it means being a fatherly figure for him. And Jade, Tanya and I are not together" I said. It's the truth. We're not together and plus I'm willing to accept her and Brooklyn without even thinking if it means, she'll be here for me and love me back.

She didn't answer at this point and just let her tears fall. Does she not know her tears are worth more than my entire life? I reached forward and placed my hand under her chin so she could look up at me. I flickered my gaze between her eyes only to see pain and hurt laced visible.

"I'm a mess, Harry" she whispered between her sobbing. This is what she's been hiding with her words

"Let me fix this mess" I said unknowingly leaning in, making her eyes widen.

"Please don't" she said and took my hand away and turned her hand.

"Please don't make me feel things, Harry. Let me stay numb" she said softly.

"Jade... Alex is gone now. He was a result of the mistake I made. A mistake that cost me too much. It cost me to lose you and hear about you getting hurt day and night. Hearing about the bruises on your soft skin that he had caused on where I would be the one to kiss. Hearing about your tears falling that were and are priceless. I know... I tried to let you stay happy when you wanted to come back, back at Gemma's wedding. I thought you moved on and Alex made you more happy than I ever will. But when I saw his abusive behaviour towards you, I needed to do something. At that point, I knew I treated you better than him though I'm not the best for you. I'm sorry for making Jia stay at his house to keep an eye on you. I wanted to know that you were safe, that you were alive. I'm sorry for making Jia lie to you about the things she bought for you clearly based on what I had told her. But Jade, it was all because I was a fool and thought you needed the best without me. Jade, you made me realise what being strong felt like. You've gone through so much in your life that you're now the word strong itself. I was so stupid to let you slip through my hands when we argued the time you left me in London and I was so stupid again to let you go again to Alex. But Jade, please. Please, this time. Come back to me" I finally said every word that I was dying to say. I looked over at Jade. She was looking at me with tears falling on her face and my eyes were blurring as well.

"I don't know what to say..." She whispered. I wiped her tears with my thumbs and placed my forehead on hers.

"You don't need to say anything, just come back...Home... As my wife" I said softly.

She sniffled and closed her eyes as she breathed softly. She didn't say anything but placed her hands on my chest. That's when I knew. She was coming back to me. Or so I hoped she did.

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