My Jade

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*Jade's P.O.V*

It smelled like a garden of roses, so strong and beautiful.

Wait what?! I leaped up from my slumber only to whine. What on earth. I rubbed my eyes and looked over at my phone. It was a text from mum saying she and dad would be arriving at around 8pm. Great. Christmas morning will be bland too...

I yawned and fully opened my eyes, stretching when I stopped in my actions. What the hell.

There were roses everywhere. And I mean everywhere. The bed was full of petals of roses, while the floor had a trail of rose petals leading outside. I do remember me getting up from the couch in the middle of the night, getting in bed but I don't remember seeing these roses.

"Brooklyn?" I called out.

My heart started beating quicker second by second as thoughts circled through my head.

"Okay, now follow what I say." He said and turned me back towards the cottage and held my shoulders. "Walk straight." He said and led me in. Immediately I was welcomed with the smell of roses. I chuckled again. "Always roses" I said. I heard Harry laugh behind me. "I want to give you so many roses that you'll practically beg me to stop." He said.

No, how could it be though. It must be Brooklyn. Only he has the keys to my house. I sighed going to the washroom and brushing my teeth as well as washing my face. I then pat dried my face, putting on my sweater and tied up my hair. I pulled a smile on my face. I need to show appreciation towards Brooklyn's hard work.

I went out to see that Brooke's room was empty.

"Brooke, baby. Where are you?" I called out, walking through the trail curiously. It was leading downstairs towards the living room and so I followed it. It was eerily quiet. That made me even more curious.

I reached the living room and looked around but no one was there.

"Brook.." I was interrupted as I placed my hand on my chest, as a reaction.

"He's with Brooklyn at his house," a barely audible voice spoke up.

I swear my heart skipped a beat.

I turned around to find none other than Harry standing with a weak smile on his face. He coughed to clear his throat. I couldn't believe it. He's actually here. He wore a sweater with his usual skinny jeans and boots and his hair let down. It felt like I've seen him after years.

It was as if my whole world flashed before my eyes. He's actually here. I felt tears brimming my eyes. I don't know if I should feel sad or happy. But all I do know is that he's here, for me.

"Jade," he said extending his arms. I spared no time and ran towards him, hugging him as he wrapped his arms around me. That's when I closed my eyes and let the tears flow.

"I'm so sorry, love," he mumbled. He had a really bad sore throat. His voice was on the verge of being completely gone. I cannot believe this.

I was full on sobbing, when we finally parted. He placed his hands on either sides of my cheeks and make me look up at him, using his fingers to wipe my tears.

"I knew I should've never given up on you," he whispered.

"Jade, you left the first time thinking we were never right for each other just because we lost our first child. But when you left the second time, I lost the meaning of life. I'm so sorry, I drove as fast as I could to the airport when Gemma told me you were leaving. But I couldn't make it in time," he said. So he did come for me at the airport. He still cares.

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