Just wait a night

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*Jade'a P.O.V*

It's Christmas Eve... again. Cassandra and Brooklyn invited me over to their house for today. Brooklyn said mum and dad would arrive tomorrow and so we had to spend Christmas Eve without them.

"I can't believe Brooke went to bed so early. He didn't even ask for any presents considering that he's still a child," Brooklyn said talking about Brooklyn. He started calling him Brooke so it wouldn't be confusing.

"He talked to me before dinner, he said he misses Harry a lot," I sighed.

"He wants Harry to be with him for Christmas," I added.

"It's not his fault," Cassandra spoke up.

"Harry was there for him since the beginning and so Brooke looks up to him as a fatherly figure, and children do want their parents to be together for events like these," she added, hesitantly.

All I could do was nod. Brooklyn on the other hand, looked like he was concerned.

"I'm going to go and prepare some cookies for tomorrow. Be right back," Cassandra announced and got up, going to the kitchen.

I took a sip of the hot chocolate before laying back down on the couch.

"Spill it," Brooklyn spoke up. I opened my eyes to look at him, raising my brows.

"I'm sure Brooke is not the only one who wants Harry to be there for him on Christmas," he said. Honestly... he's right. I want Harry to be there for me too.

"I can't do a thing about it," I said. There isn't any use wishing for Harry to be there for me. He'll be there for Kendall and they'll be happy.

"It won't happen," I added, getting up from the couch.

"Where are you going?" Brooklyn interrupted me immediately.

"I have to go back home, I still haven't mailed the gifts for everyone," I said.

"It's no use," he added.


"I mean, it's already Christmas Eve, they wouldn't get it until like next week," he mumbled with his words. It almost seemed like he was hiding something.

"I'll go get Brooklyn," I said and went to the room where Brooklyn was sleeping.

"Brooklyn, love" I cooed, placing his hair away from his forehead. He stirred slightly in his sleep before whining.

"Love, we have to go home," I tried once again. This time, he stirred and opened his eyes.

"Let's go," I said helping him put on his jacket and shoes and walked him with me.

"Jade? You're not staying the night?" Cassandra asked as she came out of the kitchen, wiping her hands.

"I've got a few errands to run, have a good Christmas Eve," I smiled at her and waved her and Brooklyn goodbye, getting into my car and buckling Brooke up before driving off.

We finally reached home, Brooklyn again fast asleep so I had to carry him to his room. I could hear all the Christmas songs and laughter coming from the neighbors in contrast to my house, dull and quiet.

Turns out, I got quite a lot of presents. This felt like childhood Christmas all over again. We were all opening our presents and reading the cards. Laughing and acting to cry together because of the "emotions" everyone poured out in the cards.

I remember that exact Christmas Eve vividly. It was all so bright and cheerful. And right now, it felt like an ordinary day apart from the decorations Brooklyn had put up before I came from Los Angeles.

I took off my coat and went over to the living room where I placed all the wrapped presents for the boys and girls. I had still not sent them and I didn't quite know why. I just, never felt the guts to actually talk to them again. I regret leaving such a big part of my life yet I knew it was the only thing I had to do for the better future. Maybe I can send them tomorrow...

I prepared one for Harry as well... though I knew I would never send it to him.

That's it. Christmas Eve gone. No calls, texts from from anyone and I didn't get the guts to call nor text anyone too.

The only thing that I'm excited about is to finally meet my parents after so long. That's what'll make my Christmas, less awful than it is right now.

With that I got changed into some warm leggings and a sweater, before plopping myself on to the couch, turning on the tv to watch some Netflix series after which, I'm pretty sure, I'll be falling asleep right here on the couch.

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