Be there for me

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*Jade's P.O.V*

"Jade, why is he calling you?" Harry snapped at me with his eyebrows furrowed. What does Alex want to say? 4 years later?

"Jade!" Harry called after me but I completely blanked him out and rushed outside through the back door. I felt my eyes blurring with the tears begging to flow. I was happy. So happy. What happened just a few minutes ago completely made me regret. What was I thinking... I sat on the bench by the pool with my phone in my hands. He will call again, right? I stared at the lights of the house reflecting on the water when I heard the back door open and shut after a while.

I looked over my shoulder to see Harry, changed into  a pair of sweatpants, a t shirt and a beanie over his curls. I didn't want to face him after what just happened. I moved my gaze to my hands, fiddling with my fingers when I saw him sit next to me and sigh.

"I'm sorry" I mumbled. The least I could do for completely ignoring him back then after everything he did for Brooklyn and I for the birthday. When he didn't answer me, I looked up to find him already looking at me. His face holding a look I couldn't quite figure out.

"He's calling.. Again" he said. I looked down at my phone to see he was calling again. And this time, I took a deep breath and answered.

"Hello?" He spoke. His voice the same as 4 years ago. I was in shock to even process. My heart was thumping to what he wanted to say.

"Jade?" He called out again. I looked at Harry who was sympathetically looking at me. I stared into his eyes deeply, answering Alex on the phone.

"Yea?" I mumbled.

"Jade, it's me Alex" he confirmed. It was silent apart from his voice. He was alone at home. Didn't he find a new girl?

"Jade, I'm going to get to the point" he said when he didn't hear me. Harry reached forward and took my left hand in his, squeezing it softly to encourage me to talk.

"What do you want, Alex?" I said finally with some courage.

"Hey, hey, hey. Why are you snapping at me" he said. I can imagine the disgusting smirk on his face already. I sighed and spoke up again.

"Alex, you do not call your ex-fiancé whom you clearly deceived with false hopes and got fucking pregnant with your child and kicked both of us out when I was at my most vulnerable state, and ask me why am I snapping at you!" I shouted through the phone. I had to release my frustration. 4 years, I've stayed quiet. I need to let him know I am more than he thought I was.

"You're staying with that bastard right?!" He shouted sternly on the phone. My eyes snapped towards Harry as his eyebrows furrowed. It was loud enough for Harry to hear. It made me even more furious.

"That one you're calling a bastard helped me raise your few months old child until today. He helped me get over your actions when you tortured me. The real bastard right here, right now since the day you kicked your own child out, is you!" I spat.

I vigorously wiped my tears away as the line went silent for a while.

"I'm keeping my child" he said. What?

"You can'.."

"Yes I can, Jade. He's my blood. My child. I'm going to keep him. He needs his father too" he said.

"He has a fatherly figure already" I said directing towards Harry.

"Stop talking about him!" He shouted again.

"I'm taking Brooklyn, whether you agree or not. You do not have the right to keep away my child from me" he said and with that the line went dead, leaving me speechless.

I looked at the phone screen, with Harry still focusing on me. It's been years, years of me trying to raise Brooklyn with all the things he deserve to have, regretting over the fact that I actually agreed to move so quickly...

"Jade?" Harry called softly. I looked up at him with probably a messed up face due to tears and sniffling.

"Please don't make this harder" he said.

"Tell me, I'm here to listen"

"Harry... I" I closed my eyes and covered my face with my hands. I'm truly a drowned mess.

"I don't want Alex to take Brooklyn away from me" I said completely worried.

"He won't" Harry immediately spoke up.

"I promise"

That's when I looked up at him. His eyes showed honesty. He tilted his head to his side and got up, extending his hand out for me and I took it, as he walked back inside the house.

"I'll talk to a good lawyer first thing tomorrow morning" Harry said as he stopped in front of my room.

"No, don't" I told him. If the media hears about it, everything will go frantic.

"Jade, we can't let Alex get whatever he wants. He's hurt you enough" he hesitated when he spoke about Alex hurting me. He held some sort of an emotion behind those words and I couldn't quite figure it out.

"But I don't want the media to go crazy when they find out about you helping me" I said honestly. His fans would continue with all the comments about me. The media will highlight every single thing about me and Alex and now... Brooklyn. I don't want Brooklyn to grow up being exposed to the dirty media.

It was a while before Harry simply sighed and placed his hands on either side of my face, bending down to look into my eyes, at my level.

"We'll figure something out, yeah?" He comforted me. I simply nodded, completely agreeing with every and anything he said. He then ran his right hand through my hair and placed the loose piece of hair behind my ear before placing a soft kiss on my forehead, making my eyes flutter close at his painfully slow action. His lips lingered on my forehead for a while as I felt his breath fanning.

He pulled back and pressed his lips in a flat line before turning away and went back to his room, probably to sleep...

What are we? We're not together, we're not apart. We're somewhere in between. We can't be a family, since we're way past the ease, and now we're into complications. Brooklyn deserves a father yet I don't want Alex to be a fatherly figure for him. I want Harry to be there for my child. And is it wrong if I say I want Harry to be there for me as well?

I soon laid back on the mattress, with my eyes completely open. There's too much going on for me to sleep peacefully, and so I can't sleep.

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