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You were walking around L.A thinking about anything, one thought in particular came to your mind before you could think anymore  you heard a familiar voice call your name
"Y/N!" You turn around to see Rydel  and Ryland and you smile. They run up to you before speaking
"Hey Y/N" Ryland said
"Hey Ryland, Rydel" You reply
"Hi girly, so what are you doing today" Rydel said and asks
"Just walking around thinking" You reply
"Thinking of Riker" Ryland asks smirking, Ryland had figured out you liked Riker a few weeks ago so him saying that made you blush.
"Why would she think of Riker" Rydel asks and the smiled
"Omg you like Riker" Rydel squealed in excitement
"What no" You say in an unconvincing voice
Ryland and Rydel look at you saying yeah right and you sigh knowing you needed to tell Rydel
"Ok fine yes" You said
"This is amazing, why am I only finding this out now" Rydel said and asks
"I only figured it out a while back and Ryland figured it out a few weeks ago, I didn't say anything because I didn't want things to be weird in our friendship" You said to Rydel
"Nothing will ever change our friendship especially no guy. Now, it's time to get you and Riker together" Rydel said which made you nervous
"Oh wow look at the time I have to go" You say, you try and walk away but both Ryland and Rydel stop you.
"You no there is no point in struggling" Ryland said and you nodded yes.

You all walk back to their house and then go up to Rydel's room. Rydel had given Ryland the job to keep the boys downstairs so you could tell her everything about to when you started to like Riker. Ryland was also told to see if Riker felt the same. Ryalnd said ok and then left.
You and Rydel had stayed there for a few hours while you talked about when you started to like Riker and when you figured out you did. Rydel squealed in happiness at some of the details and when you finished you were blushing. Although you two talked about a few more things than just Riker and how Rydel wanted to get you two together. After a while you both go downstairs and see the boys there.
"Hey, y/n" Ross said Rocky said
"Hey guys" You reply
"Hi y/n" Ellington said
"Hey Ell" You replied 
"Hi Y/N" Riker said sending you a sweet smile
"Hi Riker" You say in a shy voice
"What's going on" Ross asks
"Why are you so shy all of the sudden" Ellington asks
"Hey how about we all go out for some ice cream" Rocky suggested and all of you said yes

You mentally thanked Rocky for doing that. Rydel took Ellington and Rocky, Ryland and Ross near her so you and Riker could talk.
Ross and Rocky were looking back and forth at you both but stopped after a few minutes
"So uh why did you get so shy" Riker asks 
"Oh well I need to tell you something" You said to him.
"Ok what is it" Riker asks
"Ok well you see..." You begin to say but are interrupted
"Hey guys we are here" Rocky said. You are about you walk in but Riker stops you
"What were you going to say" Riker asks
"I'll tell you later" You say and go inside. Riker follows you. You all have a great day and after you had ice cream you all just walked around for a while then you all went back to their house. You were sitting with your feet in the pool alone, so Riker took this as his chance to see what you were going to say
"Hey Y/N" Riker said sitting beside you
"Hey" You replied
"What were you going to say earlier" Riker asks
"Well I was going to say that I liked you" You said not looking at him
"Wouldn't you already since we are friends" Riker asks confused
"Well yeah but I like you more than a friend" you tell him
"I like you more than a friend too"Riker said and you look at him shocked. No words are exchanged between you two. You don't see Riker leaning in or notice yourself doing it either until you and Riker kiss. It only last a few seconds but you don't mind at all.
"Will you be my girlfriend" Riker asks
You smile at him
"Yes, I will" You say and he smiles. The rest of the night you guys talk for hours on end.

Hope you guys liked it

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