Cassy and Ross

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You and Ross have been together for a few months now and you had been home alone watching a movie since you had a day off work. You would have spent it with Ross but he was at the studio.
After a few hours you heard a knock on the door you go to open and you seen Ross, you smile and let him in but you noticed he wasn't his usual happy self when he came in. He sat down beside you frustrated and sighed making you worry.
"Rossy, what's wrong" you ask him
"Work I'm so stressed and tired" He replies in a low voice but you hear him
"It will get better" You tell him
"I hope so, this week is so hard. We are writing songs for our new album but every time we think we are close we find out that the music doesn't match the lyrics" Ross says annoyed.
"Aww I'm sorry you are so stressed" You tell him
"Not your  fault baby" Ross says
"Why don't I make us something to eat and you go for a nice shower" You suggested, you made sure that Ross left some casual clothes here like sweatpants and an old t-shirt for days like today.
"That sounds good" Ross replied. He kisses your cheek and goes upstairs.
When you hear the bathroom door close you go into the kitchen and begin to make some pasta for you too. After half an hour the food was finished and Ross came downstairs again.
He goes to the living room and you bring the food in. You put the Tv on and you both just talk about anything that comes to mind. You see the Ross is relaxing a bit which made you smile.
After dinner you suggest to help Ross make his schedule less crazy and he agrees.
You spent a while helping him clear it a bit saying that every two hours he needs to take a break. Even if it is only for a few minutes. He smiles at you and kisses your lips for a few seconds catching you off guard.
"What was that for" You ask him
"For being here for me" Ross says
"I'm glad I can be" You tell him
"Cassy, really you have been there for me a lot you know how to make me relaxed and you know how to make me smile. I am very lucky to have you" Ross says and you blush at is words but give a small smile. He pulls you close to him wrapping his arm around your shoulder and you lay your head on his shoulder. He finds a movie for you two and you enjoy the rest of the night together. You smile to yourself while you and Ross watch the movie thinking to yourself that you are glad that you and Ross are together.


Here is your request. I hope I got your username right. Sorry if it's not. I hope you like the imagine and that it is what you wanted(:

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