Layla and Riker

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You had decided to go out for a coffee at Starbucks to clear your mind it's been a long day. When you arrive you give your order and wait for your name to be called. Thankfully you don't have to wait to long since they aren't really busy today.
You go up and collect your coffee and say thank you before leaving. You walk around and you accidentally bump into someone. You look to see its Riker Lynch and you begin to get nervous
"Are you ok" Riker asks
"Yeah I am fine, thank you" You say
"Hi I'm Riker" He says introducing himself
"Hi I'm Layla" You reply
"Such a pretty name for such a pretty girl" Riker says and you blush making him slightly smile.
"I am sorry for bumping into you" You say
"It was my fault" Riker says you were about to object but he speaks
"How about I walk you home and take you out tonight  as in a way to say sorry" Riker says
"Out as in a date" You asks
"Yes" Riker replies.
"I don't know Riker, I'm 4yrs younger than you" You tell him
"I don't care. What do you say a date tonight" Riker says and asks. You think over it for a few moments.
"Alright, a date tonight" you say and Riker smiles widely.
Riker walks you home and you both get to know quite a lot about one another in just a short time. You are laughing at a joke Riker said as you walk up to your door. You say bye to Riker and he says he'll see you in a few hours before you walk inside.
As soon as you close the door. You immediately run upstairs and find something for tonight. You weren't sure what you and Riker were doing so you decided to dress fancy but causal. You got your white skinny jeans out with a nice blue top and blue ankle boots. You went and freshened up and when you exited the bathroom you curled your hair. Got changed into the clothes you choose and then put your make up on naturally. You heard a knock on the door and grabbed you bag and phone before walking downstairs taking a deep breath then opening the door. You see Riker and smile.
"Are you ready" Riker asks
"Yeah" You reply.
You step outside and lock your door. Riker and you begin to walk and he takes your hand in his.
"Is this alright that I took your hand" Riker asks
"Yeah it is" You reply.
You and Riker continue walking until you stop at the beach and see he has set up a picnic for you both making you smile.
You and Riker sit down and enjoy each other's company. He takes some food out and you both continue your conversation from earlier that day. You smile at how much fun you are having and are happy you said yes to Riker

The end
@LifesADrama here is your imagine. I hope it is what you were thinking. I apologise if I have not got your user name right. I hope I do.

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