Rose and Stormie

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Rose and Stormie had been baking cookies as a nice way to spend time together. They were making a few different flavours and having a great time.

When some cookies had been done Riker had came in to be nosy and seen some of the cookies and licked his lips.
"Yum cookies" Riker said and picked one up
"Riker don't eat.." but before Stormie could finish her sentence Riker put the cookie in his mouth and within a few seconds spit it out
"Ow they are hot" Riker said
"That's because they are just out of the oven" Rose told him
"You could have told me" Riker said
"I did try Riker but that is what happens when your nosy. Now take that cookie and go back to the living room" Stormie said. Riker did as he was told. And Rose and Stormie got back to baking cookies.

They had spent a few hours there and when they were done they brought the cookies into everyone to enjoy.

Rose_babyLynch here is your imagine hope you like it

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