Rocky & Abigail

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It has been a few weeks since Rocky, the rest of R5 and Ryland had left for tour and you missed them terribly. You missed Rocky the most since he was your boyfriend and you have been dating for almost a year which is something you are excited for.
You were chillin in your living room since you weren't at work today, normally you would be but you had got fired a few days ago because you had gotten into a fight with someone although you were only defending yourself as they were making fun of you but your boss hadn't seen that so he fired you. You were watching something on tv when you heard your phone ring you looked to see it was Rydel
'Hey Rydel' you say
'Hey Abigail! Ross, Ellington, Riker and Ryland are also here' she replied
'Hey guys what's up?'You ask
'First of all we miss you so much' Ross said
'I miss you guys too' you say
'Secondly Rocky is miserable without you here' Riker said
'Aww I wish I was there too, it's so boring here' you say
'I thought you had work to keep you entertained?' Rydel asked confused
'I did but I got fired' you say
'What? Why?' Rydel ask
You think back to the other day
Work was busy and you were on your feet constantly not being able to take a second of a break, working in a cafe was hard especially when it was full of students and that you were understaffed. You were serving someone and you walked back to the counter to pick up an order when someone else had walked up to you and you stopped dead in your tracks
"Can I help you?" You ask
"Uh yeah, my friends and I ordered over 10 minuets ago, what's taking so long?" The person asked in a rude tone
"We will be right with you" you say
"I think you said that when you took our order" he said
"As you can see we are understaffed so those of us who are here are going double the fast we can" You say calmly walking away and serving food when you turned around the person was there again
"It's not fast enough, you are being so slow, how did you even get this job?" He said and ask
"Same as any other person, I applied and hoped for the best" You say
"Will they made a mistake hiring you, you are such a bad waitress, you are being so slow and also ignoring a costumer" he said
"I am listening to you but I also have work to do you will have your food in a moment" you say about to walk away but he grabbed your wrist and when you pulled it away you accidentally hit him
"Oh are you ok?" You ask before he can say anything the manager comes out
"What's going on?" He ask
"Your waitress attacked me" the man said you were about to defend yourself but your boss saw the red mark on the persons face you were about to say something when your boss took you to the back and you both started talking you tried to defend yourself but he wouldn't listen so he fired you. You took off your apron and walked out the back door without another word and went home
You were snapped out of your thoughts when you heard Rydels voice
'Abigail are you ok?" She ask
'Oh yes sorry was thinking back to the other day' you said
'Why'd you get fired?' Ellington asked
You started to tell them what happened and when you were finished they were confused as to why you were fired and not the person who started the fight being put out. You told them it's nothing to worry about.
'I have a great idea!' Rydel suddenly squealed
'Rydel my eardrum' you say laughing
'Sorry, but I do have a great idea' she said
'What?' You ask
'Since Rocky is miserable without you, and you miss all of us and we miss you and now you have all this free time you can come and surprise Rocky' she said and you smile
'I'd love that Rydel' you say excitedly
'Perfect, we will get you a plane ticket for tonight' Ross said
'No I couldn't ask you to do that guys' you say
'You aren't, we are offering and you can't say no' Ryland said and you sigh knowing he is serious
'Ok I'll pack' you say
'Great we are in New York so it won't be too long of a flight, you can meet rocky by the end of the concert' Riker said
'Ok' you say
'It's booked, and I've emailed it to you so all you have to do is print it or even just show it at the airport and that's you' Ross said
'Great, I'll see you all in New York' you say
'Ok, bye we will see you soon' Rydel said
'Bye' you say and everyone said bye and you hung up
You checked your phone on email and see the ticket booked. You quickly pack your suitcase as you seen it leaves in 2hrs you make sure that it is enough for the next 3 months although you know that Rydel will no doubt bring you shopping for clothes for girl days.
Once you finish packing you call a taxi and within a few minutes it arrives you grab your keys lock the door and then get  it the taxi. You tell him you're going to the airport and he nods. The journey was quicker than you expected and you pay him and thank him before getting out and heading inside. You quickly make your way to the check in point and in showed your ticket then all you and to do was wait for a while. You listened to music until it was time for your flight. Once you heard your flight being called you quickly make your way there and then show your boarding pass to the flight attended and they nod letting you on the plane. You text Rydel you are on the plane and she said ok the concert is about to begin but she told you she told their security guard your were coming and to let you on the bus. You thank her and you wish them all luck before putting your phone away and then the plane took off.
You took a quick sleep before you hear that the plane is landing.
You waited until everyone was off before you grabbed your suitcase and got off yourself you thanked the flight attendants before making your way into the airport and then went to look for a taxi and you told him where to go. It took longer than you wanted but you seen there was a lot of traffic when you finally reached there you, you walked to the security guard and told them who you were he nodded and let you on the bus you seen the concert was over and they would just be seeing fans you texted Ryland saying that you were hiding where the bunks were and he said that's great they are gonna be there in one minute, which they were. You hear them laughing and talking but the voice you don't hear is Rockys
"Rocky cheer up we have a surprise for you" Rydel said
"What's that?" He ask and Ryland came and brought you out from your hiding spot. Rockys eyes widen and you run and hug him he instantly hugs back
"Baby, you're really here" he said
"Yeah, I am also here for the rest of the tour" you say and he lifts you up once he puts you down he gives you a small kiss on your lips and you hear everyone say aww. You saw a smile on Rocky that he hasn't had for a while. You all have a big group hug and once you let go Rocky pulls you onto his knee and you all sit down taking and catching up. You knew the next three months were going to be amazing since you are with your friends and amazing boyfriend you put your head on his shoulder and the rest of the night is full of laugher

MrsRylandLynch thank you for requesting I hope you like it
I hope everyone enjoys

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