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You had just gotten your tonsils taken out and you are finally allowed to go home after being in the hospital for a few days. The doctors had kept you in to make sure that you had not got any infection after the surgery although you were quite bored in the hospital since you had never really liked them. The only thing that had kept you at ease was your boyfriend Ryland who you have been with for 3 and a half years. He had came every day for the week and some nights he had fallen asleep in the chair after visiting hours. The nurses knew it was against regulations but hadn't disturbed him and let you both sleep.

When the day came that you were finally allowed out of the hospital you and Ryland had thanked them and said goodbye before finally leaving. You were told to not speak a lot for the next few days.
When you and Ryland had got home you had gone to sit on the sofa and watch tv. You tell Ryland to come and watch a movie with you and he said he will once he has got some ice cream for you both and you just nod okay.
He came back a few minutes later with ice cream and you both watch (your favourite movie)
You and Ryland had been doing that for the rest of the day and every so often he had kissed your forehead and you put your head on his shoulder. Instead of cooking Ryland had order Tai takeout and you both had stayed in the living room enjoying each other's company you had taken a few pictures and Ryland uploading them on Instagram captioning that you were both having a chill day after you being in hospital from having your tonsils removed.
A lot of fans had told you to get well soon and you seen his siblings comment telling you both to have a nice day and Rydel commented how cute you and Ryland are and you thanked them all. You replied to a few fans thanking them for wishing you to be well and the rest of the time you and Ryland just relaxed. You couldn't think of a better way to spend the day.
"How are you feeling baby?" Ryland ask
You gave him a thumbs up saying that you were feeling slightly better making him smile. He brought you close to him and you had both stayed like that for the rest of the day.

MrsBillSkarsgard1 thank you for requesting I hope you like it

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