Brendalyn & Ross Part 2

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You had gone the week after and you found out you were 4 months along you went every few weeks and when you finally got to find out what you were having you found out it was a baby girl.
You and Rydel were looking at names that you thought would be nice. You were stuck on a few names but you knew when she was born you would know what her name should be.

You were at home just having a relaxing day since you were 9 months you knew you would go into labour at any day now and you were told not to do much.

You thought to a few days after you and Ross broke up four months back he came and packed up his things and moved back home for a while. Rydel made sure that you were out of the house for it which you were thankful for. You didn't want to see him at that time.

Now you were close to having his child and he still hasn't seen you. You heard from Rydel that Ross got a new girlfriend Courtney Eaton and you were sad and heartbroken but you knew he would move on eventually. You hoped he'd want to be apart of his child's life even a little bit. Although you knew it was a long shot of that happening. You were in your own thoughts when you heard a knock on the door you opened it and seen Rydel you tell her to come in and you seen she had a bag and you have her a confused look.
"Open it" she said handing it to you
You opened it to see it was some clothes for your baby girl. You hugged Rydel and thanked her. She told you that you were welcome and you deserve it. You felt something kick and you realised that it was time for your baby to come you told Rydel and you both rushed to the car and she quickly drove you to the hospital. She told a doctor you were in labour and they brought you to the delivery room you told them you wanted Rydel with you and she smiled.

After a few hours you had finally had you baby girl and you were couldn't be more happy. She looked like an angel and Rydel was smiling widely now that she is an aunt.
"We will leave you girls for a while you can call family to let them know" the nurse said
"I'll do that in a minute" Rydel said
"Thank you for everything" you tell the nurse
"My pleasure" she said

The nurse left and you and Rydel were in awe at the angel you have. Rydel phoned everyone and you thought of the name.
"So what name have you chosen?" She ask
"I am going to call her Angel Melody" You say
"Perfect name" Rydel said
"She looks like an angel and I know her aunt will make sure she sings" You say
"Without a doubt, I'll have her dancing before she's walking, she'll play the keyboard..." she was going to continue you both heard a voice
"Easy there Rydel don't do too much on her" you both hear Ryland say you both look and see everyone has arrived. Ross closed the door and you seen a girl with him and figured that was his girlfriend
"Hey everyone" you say. They all say hey back
"So what's her name?" Riker ask
"Angel Melody" you say
"Angel Melody Lynch I like it" Riker says
"Actually she's not having Lynch as her last name she will be having my last name" you say
"But she is a Lynch" Ross says you looked at him
"No she has Lynch blood but she isn't, her father doesn't want her so why should I give his name?" You say and ask you seen his expression it was hurt
"Rossy baby maybe we should leave" you hear Courtney say
"Just let me hold her once" Ross said
You looked hesitant
"Please"  he said
"Only for a minute then you do what you do best and leave" you say and he knew you were right so he nodded.
You handed her to him and for a moment you seen love. You thought that perhaps he would want to stay around
"Do you want to be in her life?" You ask
"I'm not ready, I'll mess it up. I'm sorry" he said handing her back to you.
"Let me know when you are maybe you'll be a dad then" you say
"I'm sorry I hurt you" He said before leaving. You were sad but you knew he would think about it.
You let his parents and siblings hold her then everyone but Rydel left for you to rest. She stayed and held her niece.
You had a peaceful sleep smiling that Rydel was here.

BrendalynLadner thank you for requesting and I hope you like it
Hope everyone enjoys

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