Brendalyn & Ross

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You and Ross have been dating for almost a year now and you have started to feel sick over the past few days you thought it would have been something that you ate but it wasn't going away you decided to go to the doctors so they could help you find out what's wrong. You call and make an appointment for this afternoon and you let Ross know what you are doing. He ask if you need him to go with you and you say no it's just a check up he said ok and he drove you to the hospital.
You to the receptionist your name and she told you to wait for a few minutes. Those few minutes had felt like a few hours but eventually you were called. You followed the doctor into the room and sat on the bed.
"So what seems to be the problem?" The doctor
"I have been feeling sick the past few days and I'm not sure if it was something I ate or not" You tell him
"Alright well I'll run a few blood test and see what's going on" the doctor said you nodded okay and he drew blood and told you that he'd be back soon. Meanwhile he would send a nurse in too check on you and you said okay.
Within a few minutes a nurse came in and started to ask some health questions you answered them as best as possible and soon she told you that was all. She said the doctor would be back soon so you just nod.
A few minutes later the doctor comes back and says he knows why you are sick.

"What's wrong with me?" You ask
"Congratulations are in order" he said
"I don't understand" you say
"Brendalyn you are pregnant" he said
"Really!?" You as excitedly
"Yes" he said and you tell him thanks he says if you come back in a week he can show you the baby on the ultrasound and tell you how far along you are and you happily agree. You thank him again and then leave.

You call Ross and say you are heading home and he said he is at Rocky's but he'll be in home in 15minutes you tell him ok and you'll be there soon.
You get in the taxi and when you arrive home you quickly run to the door and unlock it. You couldn't hold your excitement you were very happy you were pregnant and especially with Ross's child. You love him very much and you will like to settle down with him at one point. When you got in you seen he was already there waiting.
You walk over and kiss his cheek
"Hey baby" He said
"Hey Rossy" You reply and sit next to him
"So what's up you seem happier" he said
"I am, I find out why I've been getting sick" You tell him
"I'm glad for that what's up?" He say and ask
"I'm pregnant" you say
"What?" He ask you couldn't read his expression
"Pregnant Ross" you tell him
"No you can't be. We can't be coming parents" Ross said
"Ross why are you acting like this. Don't you want this baby?" You ask
"No I don't. I'm not ready to be a dad" he said
"Ross..." you started but he interrupted you
"No Brendalyn I can't" he said and left.
You were in shock and when you heard the door close you started crying.

Ross had gone home and told his family what happened and Rydel was excited and so was Stormie and Ryland. The others were too but also shocked but in a good way although they were most excited when they seen Ross wasn't amused they ask why is he not happy and he told them that he wasn't ready to be a dad and he at this time he didn't want it. They were shocked and not in a good way they had tried to talk some sense into him but he wasn't listening he went to his old room and phoned you.

When you answered he heard the sadness in your voice and he heard you were crying. He did say he is sorry for walking out the way he did but he isn't ready for a child. You tell him that you aren't going to abandon the baby when he or she is born and he told you that since you both want different things it is best if you both break up. You try and talk to him about it but he won't listen and he hangs up the phone.

You start crying again and start to think what's going to happen now. You know that Ross will come and pack his things up since it is your apartment and he only moved in but you also know that you could be doing this on your own. You called Rydel and told her and she said Ross told the family and that she is there for you no matter what making you smile. You and her speak for a while and she says she will be coming over to have a girly day with you and you tell her you look forward to it. You hang up the phone.
It didn't take long for Rydel to come which you were glad about.
You let her in and you and her talked for hours she ask how far you were and you said you'll find out in a week and she says ok. She hopes you are a few months along and she says could you and her start thinking of names and you say if you want too. She ask are you going to keep the R on his or her name going and you said you'd think about it but since Ross doesn't want the baby they will have your last name and she says that's a good idea. You and Rydel stay there for hours talking and having a nice girly day you knew that even if Ross wasn't here you'd always have Rydel.

BrendalynLadner thank you for requesting hope you like it
Hope everyone enjoys

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