Future (MakotoxReader)

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(I made some changes and had to republish because for some reason the picture I added wouldn't show up.)
The entrance ceremony at Iwatobi High had started, and as part, the clubs were introduced. Each one made an introduction to new and old students in the hopes of gaining new members. After the drama club went and showed a movie, the fairly new revived swim team went. The manager spoke briefly about the club before announcing the members and their positions in the club.

There were shocked murmurs when each boy made a flourished entrance and then stripped to their swimming attire as they said who they were, their swim style, and best body feature. Since the club was recently formed, not many people were interested in joining, and their out there performance wasn't any help.

You in particular weren't entirely impressed, and thought their introduction was pretty lame. I mean who would want to join a team with no acclaim yet, and it seemed like they only wanted to show off their bodies. It was kind of embarrassing to watch.

You liked swimming, but there was no interest yet in joining the swim team. You were excited later when you saw the old swim club building was renovated. You were looking forward to the grand opening: Splash Fest. It looked like fun. You were most interested in seeing the relay race. You had seen the fliers around town and decided to go. _______________________________________________________________

It was finally the day of the grand opening of Iwatobi SC Returns. You entered the building and it was alive with noise of spectators and participants alike. There were a lot of children there for the kick board race. It was energizing just seeing them so enthused.

You joined the crowed getting ready to watch the first event. "Alright everyone! I, Goro Sasabe, proudly announce the grand opening of Iwatobi Swim Club Returns! Let's get Splash Fest started!" the new owner of the swim club announced and introduced himself. Everyone clapped and cheered excitedly.

First up was the freestyle race. Everyone participating chose a style to swim and they'd compete for first place. First, second, and third place got special prizes for coming in those spots. There were three heats for that. You would have been among those participants, but by the time you could sign up it was too late.

Later, you, along with the other spectators, watched as the kids participating got ready in the pool. They got in with their kick boards and waited for the go ahead. And then they were off. It was refreshing watching how determined the kids were to do their best.

After that it was the "how far can you swim without taking a breath" water race, followed by the Armored Sidestroke, or squid-style swimming. Then it came time for the muscle contest.

You weren't one to judge the bodies of others, but this event had you excited. It may have been the atmosphere affecting you. One of the contestants you recognized. As soon as his name was announced, Makoto Tachibana, you instantly recognized him as the Captain of the swim team from the opening ceremonies at school. He seemed to be just as nervous as he was then to be showing off his physique. You thought it was cute how his ears turned red as he flexed and then turned so the judges could see all of his muscles. You also recognized one of the judges. It was the swim team's manager, Gou Matsuoka. She was sitting on the farthest end of the table from the wall.

You personally would have given Makoto a perfect 10. You may not have known him all that well, but he was the nicest guy from what you had heard from some of the girls at school. The ones in your class were always gossiping about how good looking he was and that he was very well built.

You happened to notice that Gou gave a boy with burgundy hair, which was almost identical to hers, a perfect score. You guessed based on their very similar traits, the red hair and red eyes, that they were related. You thought it was very biased of her to give the guy the most points out of all the other contestants.

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