Christmas Shopping (NagisaxReader)

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A/N: So I just discovered how to make the font italicized! I would just copy and paste from my word document and everything would be italicized like in my document, but I'm glad to know how to do it on the site.

Anyway, here's the Nagisa Christmas one-shot. Sorry it's belated. I will be working on the one for Rin asap. I will have that up over the weekend or Monday next week.

I hope you enjoy this one-shot!

It was finally Christmas Eve and you were going to be getting together with everyone to exchange gifts. You were particularly excited to see what your boyfriend, Nagisa, had gotten you.

A few weeks ago the two of you went shopping for presents, and had split up to shop for each other.

It was Saturday and the weather was perfect for going shopping. Nagisa was picking you up from your house to ride the train to an outlet mall. The two of you planned a Christmas shopping trip to get gifts for your friends.

Right on time your doorbell rang. You went to answer it and the energetic blonde was there to greet you. "Hi, (N/n)-chan! Are you ready for some holiday shopping?!" He seemed particularly excited.

"Yep! Let's go. I'll be back later mom!" you called into the house before shutting the door behind you.

You walked to the train station hand in hand with Nagisa. It wasn't a very long wait for the next train to arrive once you got there. You two found a place to sit in the crowded train car.

"Do you know what you're getting for everyone?" you asked the boy beside you who was still holding your hand.

"Nope, just your gift." Ever the spontaneous one. "What about you?"

"Yeah. I like to know ahead of time otherwise I shop for way too long." That was probably one reason the two of you were good together. Opposites when it came to doing things. You were more of a plan person, but not as rigid as Rei. You were always flexible towards Nagisa and his crazy ideas.

"I'll know what I want to buy for them when I see it."

"So how come you know what you're going to get me?" You were curious to hear his reasons.

"Because I want your present to be extra special. I thought a lot about it and it's going to be the perfect gift."

"Aw! You're too sweet Nagi-chan." You gave him a closed-eyes smile.

It wasn't terribly long after that, that the train stopped in town, and you weren't too far away from the mall.

The place was fairly big with some big chain clothing stores, a food court, its own Christmas store, and a gaming center. The first place you went to was UNIQLO. You were getting a scarf for Makoto. The one you picked was plaid and green so it would compliment his eyes. Nagisa didn't but anything there.

Then you went to an eye care store for Rei's gift. You were looking at cases for glasses when Nagisa went wondering off. He came back a couple minutes later. "Do you think I look good in these?" he asked while wearing a pair of pink rimmed glasses.

When you turned to look at him, your cheeks flushed slightly. He looked really cute with them on. "Y-yeah. They look r-really cute."

"Aw! You're blushing (N/n)-chan! You're very cute when you do that!" and he rubbed his cheek against yours while hugging you. Your cheeks went from a light pink to an almost rosy red. He let go shortly after and bounced away to put the glasses back.

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