Vampire Boys (VariousxReader)

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A/N: I hope everyone had a good Halloween! I got this posted just like I had said I would on the 31st. Hooray! I had the idea for a one-shot with the boys as vampires for a while now, and Halloween is the perfect opportunity to post this.

I was listening to Demons by Imagine Dragons a couple days ago and thought it matched with the theme pretty well. So I added the song for your listening pleasure as you read these scenarios. I was able to add Sousuke to these, but not enough time to add others. Plus this is over 3k words without my author notes. I might do a second one with the others like Momo and Kisumi for next Halloween.

I hope you enjoy one, some, or all of these scenarios with the swimming boys.

Your high school has a secret. One none of the students are supposed to know. There are vampires at your school.

They're not like the vampires of legends. No pointy ears, no blood red eyes when they're hungry, and the sun won't burn them to ashes when it touches their skin. In fact, these vampires aren't really that different from you and me. They look absolutely normal unless they decide to show their pointy teeth for sucking blood.

They do hunger, but they don't necessarily need constant human blood to control their thirst. Watch out though if they happen to become really angry. Then they become bloodthirsty beasts. Even though they may not need human blood, when these vampires have found their soulmate, they get the urge to taste their mates blood.

Unbeknownst to you, your closest friends happen to belong to this group of supernatural beings. What happens when one of them comes to realize you are their soulmate? Read on to find out.


Something was up with Makoto. He wasn't quite his usually happy or motherly self. The changes in him had started small. Like he seemed tired and he'd space out. A week went by and he had dark circles under his eyes like he wasn't sleeping well. His face was pale and he looked sick.

One day you decided to ask him about it. When you'd ask before if he was okay, he'd just give a nervous laugh and say he was fine. Well this time you weren't going to let him brush aside your concern.

Makoto was the last one in the changing room after practice. This was the perfect opportunity to talk to him alone. Since it was the boys locker room you decided to wait till he was done.

He came out to find you leaning against the wall. "Hey (F/n)," he greeted with a weak smile. You stood up straight and placed your hands on your hips. You gave him the best stern expression you could muster. You wouldn't let his pitiful state weaken your resolve.

"I know something's up Makoto. You can't hide that you're not feeling well anymore. I want to know what's going on," you demanded. He wasn't getting out of it this time.

Makoto closed his eyes and sighed. He knew you wouldn't let him go until he told you what was wrong. He opened his eyes and looked to make sure no one was around before grabbing your hand and gently leading you into the locker room. No one could know he was about to tell you something that's supposed to be a secret.

The two of you sat down on the little bench in the middle of the room. "What I'm going to tell you may seem unreal. And I don't want you to say anything until I finish explaining."

"Okay." You nodded your head for him to continue.

"I'm a vampire. And the reason I've been sick is because I've realized you're my soulmate. When we find the person we're meant to be with, we get the urge to have that person's blood. If we don't taste their blood we get sick and become weak."

Even though the news came as a surprise, you didn't hesitate to say what you were feeling. "Then you should drink my blood Makoto! If it'll help you get better, I want you to."

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