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A/N: Yay! Another "I love you" one-shot completed! This one was longer than I thought it was after I wrote it. Only two words away from being 1650 total. I had feared it was too short so I tried adding some more detail.

I tried my best to paraphrase and change certain words from Haru's speech in episode 13 of Eternal Summer. If you have not seen season two, there is slight spoiler in this one-shot.

With that out of the way, I hope you enjoy!

Haru and Rin were coming back from their trip to Australia. You were waiting at the airport with Makoto. You have been waiting an entire week to tell Haru that you loved him.

You remembered when you found out the two swimmers had left.

"They did what?!" you exclaimed. You and the three other boys were on the school roof.

"Rin took Haru to Australia," Makoto said again.

You were going to tell Haru that day how you felt. You were hoping to cheer him up a little from his recent slump. You even prepared ahead of time what you wanted to tell him specifically.

You were also hurt that Haru hadn't said a word to you. Instead he had let Makoto know what was going on and no one else.

"Why would Rin-chan take Haru-chan to Australia?" Nagisa asked.

"Yeah, I don't get it either. Why now all of a sudden?" Rei asked next.

Makoto answered them, "I had talked to Rin about the situation with Haru. I had no idea he would take him to Australia though. But...it'll be a good trip for Haru." Makoto turned from leaning against the roof wall. And the rest of you did as well. The brunette smiled a little.

"I hope Haru-chan feels better when he comes back," Nagisa added.

"I do too," you said, and Rei nodded his head in agreement. Just then a hawk flew over the four of you. And the four of you watched it glide over the tennis court.

Their plane was landing any minute. You really couldn't wait to see Haru. So much so, that you couldn't stand still on your feet. You kept switching which foot to put your weight on.

The two of you were waiting past the baggage claim area. Makoto noticed your uneasy behavior.

"They'll be coming soon (F/n)-chan. There's no need to worry," he said calmly.

"I know. I'm just anxious that's all. I want them to hurry up so I can see Haru again." Your gaze never strayed from where Rin and Haru were to appear. And that's when you saw Rin's unmistakable hair under a baseball cap and your raven-haired boyfriend beside him.

"Haru!" you shouted and tackled him into a hug, nuzzling your face into his black hoodie. The freestyle swimmer had to put a foot back to keep his balance, and he automatically put an arm across your back.

You pulled away after briefly taking in his familiar scent of chlorine and that herbal concoction you found in his bathroom when you stayed at his house.

In one swift motion you then turned to Rin and hit his arm. He winced slightly and rubbed where you hit. "It's nice to see you too (F/n)."

"That's for taking Haru away for a week and not telling anyone."

"So you two came all this way to meet us?" Rin asked next.

"You guys must be tired from the trip," Makoto said giving a closed-eyes smile to Rin and then Haru.

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