Helping Hand (Makotoxscared!Reader)

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A/N: Hihi, everyone! Here is a special request for SherryLock4869 (thank you for being patient while I wrote this). I wanted to do something special for the person to make the 100th vote on my story, and I thought of doing a request. So, here it is!

It took me a little while to think of what the reader could be afraid of. This one-shot is what I came up with.

I hope you like it!

The day began like any other day. The skies were clear, and it seemed like it was going to be a nice day. You would meet up with the swim club before homeroom.

It wasn't too long after the opening ceremonies of the second year the club was together that you met the members of the team. You happened to be in Makoto and Haru's class.

You were doodling in your notebook after lunch waiting for class to start. It never took you the whole lunch period to eat, so you often did art in a little sketchbook you always keep in your bag.

You were sketching out a poster for the art club, of which you are a member, when Makoto and Haru approached you.

"You draw (L/n)-chan?" When you looked up you saw the two oldest swim members. You blushed when you realized it was Makoto who talked to you.

You had formed a crush on him last year. From the roof, you could see the swimming pool, and you'd see them practicing. You would go up to the roof to draw when you didn't have club activities.

From the moment you saw him swim, you went up there to observe from afar. His swimming was amazing, and you could make out his smiling face every now and then. It was love at first sight.

Makoto was in a different class than yours back then, and you had heard rumors of how nice he was. So, from your observations you could tell the rumors were true. Who wouldn't like him right away?

You couldn't believe the boy you were crushing on knew your name. And he was talking to you.

"Y-yes," you answered shyly. "Um, I specialize in graphic design."

"That's really cool! What are you working on?"

"A poster for the art club to advertise it."

"You're drawing is really good," Haru complimented in his monotone voice.

"Thanks," you said while moving some of your (color) hair behind your ear. A light blush appeared on your visage.

"Would you be free to come to the pool this afternoon? We need a new flyer to try and get more members. Maybe you could help us?" Makoto asked politely.

"Um, sure. I don't have art club today."

"Great! We'll take you there after class." He smiled and headed back to his seat, Haru right behind him. Your heart beat faster at his smile, and you were sure your cheeks were beet red.
So in the afternoon, Makoto and Haru took you to the pool to meet the others.

"Hey guys," Makoto greeted them with a wave.

"Mako-chan!" the blonde shouted with a big grin on his face. "Who's that with you?" he asked with a tilt of his head.

"H-hi. I'm (L/n) (F/n)."

"She's here to help us make a flyer," the brunette beside you explained.

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