Injured (SousukexReader)

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(A/N): I prefer the spelling Sou- as opposed to So- for Sousuke's name so that's why I've spelled it that way. Also, the timeline in this one is probably a little off (or way off) from the anime. The stuff about his shoulder I got from this tumblr page:

You've known Sousuke Yamazaki since toddler-hood. Both your parents were friends, so it was only natural the two of you grew up together and became friends as well. You, yourself, weren't much of a swimmer, but everything you knew about the sport you learned from Sousuke.

Through growing up with the dark-haired brunette, you also befriended Rin Matsuoka at Sano Elementary School. When the redhead had transferred schools, you and Sousuke both kept in touch with him, even after he moved to Australia. After a while though, Rin had stopped writing; although, you'd still send him letters about how Sousuke was doing with swimming.

You knew Rin saw Sousuke as a friend because when the brunette told him he didn't want to swim with him anymore, Rin was angry about it. As for Sousuke, even though he wouldn't admit it, and he said he only viewed the redhead as a rival, you knew he cared a little for the guy as a friend.

You watched as your best friend grew into a hardcore swimmer. It was after Rin's letters stopped coming that you saw a slight change in Sousuke. He kept training harder and harder. You knew he wanted to face off against Rin someday and beat him in an individual relay. His training only intensified in high school and he got really muscular through all his hard work. Soon he became practically invincible at swimming. No one could even beat him.

During one particular practice, you noticed a change in Sousuke's swimming. It was very small, but having studied his swimming, you knew his skills inside and out. You noticed a slight wince in his normally serious face when he had made the turn and began swimming back to the starting block.

After getting out of the pool, he walked toward you. You handed him a towel so he could dry off. "Thanks," he said as he took the towel from your hands.

"Are you okay?" you had asked, concern in your (color) eyes. "I noticed you were in a little pain during that last turn."

"Yeah, I'm fine. It was just a muscle cramp in my shoulder." You were skeptical, but let it slide that he wasn't quite telling the truth. The pain on his face was indicative of something more going on.

"Okay, just try and take it easy," you said, keeping the worry from your voice.

It was in the tenth grade when it became apparent that something was seriously wrong with his shoulder. He couldn't even lift it very high without his face contorting in pain.

"I'm going to see a doctor about my shoulder," he had said one day out of the blue.

"I'll come with you," you said, jumping from your seat. "For moral support," you added.

"Do what you want." He was indifferent to whether you came along or not.

So the following Saturday, you went with him to the hospital. He was seen fairly quickly, and you waited for him to get done with the doctor. You were seated in the hall on one of the long seats. You noticed a boy with messy pink hair sitting there as well. You recognized him as a student in your class.

"Kisumi-kun?" you asked, surprised to see him.

"Oh! Hi..." He paused, being unsure of what your name was.

"(L/n) (F/n)." His purple eyes widened in recognition at your name.

"You're Sousuke's girlfriend right?" Your cheeks flushed at his assumption. You didn't hate being called Sousuke's girlfriend. In truth, you had formed a crush on your best friend back in middle school.

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