Karaoke Proposal (MakotoxReader)

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A/N: It's been a month and 5 days since my last update T.T I finally decided on what I wanted in this one-shot. I meant to have it uploaded exactly a month after the last one when I saw how long it's been, but of course I didn't. This has been a completed draft for a few days now just without these author notes.

Before I explain this one-shot, I want to rant a little bit. So, I saw the final episode of Free! and I felt cheated. I'm mostly over it now, but it really made me yell out in disbelief. It ended too abruptly! I couldn't get over it for the rest of the day. At least it said "See you in 2020." Which at the same time only made me more disappointed to have to wait so long. So here's to looking forward to two years from now for a fourth season. Or at least another movie.

I do have to say it was rather fortuitous that these proposal one-shots are being written after season 3. Cause it gave me better insight into what those of them that are out of high school want to be doing with their lives, and have figured some things out. Like Makoto finally decided on what he truly wants to do for his career. I'm so proud of him!

So here is finally Makoto's proposal one-shot! The events go by pretty fast, but hopefully they don't feel rushed. It's also because there isn't a lot of dialogue in the beginning and the middle up until the proposal part. But I tried to go into detail to fill in for the lack of conversation.

I hope you enjoy!

♪♪ Now that the weight has lifted/Love has surely shifted my way/Marry me/Today and everyday/Marry me - Marry Me by Train
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The day of your graduation from university has finally come. It's been about 3 years since that day in Makoto's dorm, and you and Makoto are still very much in love.

You dressed in a pair of black hakama, over a (color) kimono with (favorite design), and you wore your hair in an appropriate style. All the students from the university were sitting in rows of seats outside on campus grounds.

The weather was perfect. It wasn't too hot or cold, and the sun was shining with few clouds in the sky. It was also a good thing because you had to sit through a handful of graduation speeches. And let's just say some of the speakers were very long winded.

They mentioned how you all were now going out into the world as adults and there would be many hardships, but school had prepared you for them. You would be leaving university in search of a career that would hopefully keep you sustained in this new part of your life.

There was even mention of the connections you'd made throughout your college career that you would carry with you. And all your experiences have shaped who you are and will continue to be with you as you go in search of what you want to do.

After all that, the student representatives for each class went up to accept diplomas for the group on the whole. That happened to be the shortest part of the whole ceremony.

There were smaller ceremonies afterward where you would get your own diploma. They were split up by the different studies. Your parents didn't come to the main ceremony, but they certainly came to the smaller one. And your mom embarrassed you by cheering when you were called up to get your diploma.

You walked up to the professor who was handing them out with an embarrassed blush on your cheeks. It stayed there until you went to sit next to your mom. After taking your seat, you slumped down from the uncomfortableness of the situation.

You hugged your parents goodbye after the mini ceremony. You were then meeting up with Makoto to celebrate graduating.

You were leaving university as a/an (career of your choice), and Makoto finally decided to become a physical trainer and help swimmers who are going for the world stage. He still wanted to be able to help kids with swimming. And becoming a trainer could help him in different ways to do just that.

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