Haru's Sister (VariousxNanase!Reader)

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A/N: Here is the special for 3k reads! And in way this is also in honor of Haru's Birthday which was on 6/30. In these scenarios you are Haru's younger sister, by about a year. But don't worry any Haru fans out there who read this, there is one for you guys too. Technically 2, because I came up with an alternate ending.

First, I want to say I am not a fan of incest in anime, but I couldn't pass up using it for Haru's scenario and alternate ending. I feel like I did it in a cute way though. And you can view being Haru's sister one of two ways: either blood related or you were adopted into the Nanase family. I don't specify.

Second, we have a couple new players in this game of love. Kisumi and Momotarou! I just had to add these two and Haru's reactions to them liking you as his sister. Let me know if you guys want them to appear more in these specials.

And third, another Author-chan's Japanese lesson of the day. This one comes from urbandictionary.com. The term sister complex is excessive love for one's sister(s), often past the point of ordinary brother-sister/sister-sister relation. Often used as a tease/insult for a person who's overly protective of his/her sister, and is shortened as sis con or sis-con. Derived from Japanese word "shisukon" (sis con), and is often used in manga and light novels.

Well I hope you all enjoy these mini one-shots! (Total words 4700 exactly)

There is one thing that Haru loves more than water and mackerel. His younger sister...


Practice was going to start soon, but Makoto and Haru were the first ones there. It would be a few minutes before you and the others got there. It was the perfect time for Makoto to talk to his best friend.

He approached the blackette, who was crouched by the edge of the pool with his hand in the water. "Haru."

Said boy looked up and noticed the serious look on the brunette's face. It must have been important because he also dropped the -chan at the end of his name. Haru stood up to indicate Makoto could continue.

"I really like (F/n) and I plan on asking her out. I promise to take care of her if she accepts. I just wanted to let you know my intentions."

"Do what you want," and Haru went back to staring at the water with his hand in the pool. It's not like he could stop his best friend from asking you out even if he wanted to.

Haru knew Makoto was probably scared to admit his feelings towards you to him, and he got over that fear to tell him face to face. His best friend had already made up his mind.

Shortly after their exchange, you and the others came from class. "Onii-chan! Mako-chan!" you called excitedly while waving your hand in the air in greeting. Your happy smile at your brother had turned into a full on grin when your gaze shifted to the gentle giant.

Just that expression change was indication the feeling was mutual on your part. You had even confided in Haru that you liked Makoto. So he couldn't really refuse you either.

"Hey (F/n)-chan!" Makoto gave you a signature smile. "Can I talk to you after practice?"

"Sure!" Your heart fluttered at what he may want to talk about.

Practice ended, and while the others were getting changed, and Gou went to get water for everyone, Makoto stayed behind to confess.

"So what did you want to talk to me about?" you asked while tilting your head slightly. Makoto couldn't help but gush to himself how cute you looked with your head tilted, and that questioning look on your face.

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