Mistletoe (MakotoxReader)

887 38 22

A/N: Sorry this is posted later than I intended. Things got really busy with work. This one-shot is shorter than my other ones, but hopefully just as entertaining to read. I am working on one for Rei to be posted after this one.

I forgot to say the last time when I had over 300 reads, but now I have over 400! It makes me happy to see the count go up. Hopefully I have a few repeat readers who read when I update. Thank you guys so much! Also, my first Makoto one-shot finally has 100 reads!

I hope you enjoy this one!

"Operation Get (F/n)-chan and Mako-chan to Kiss is a go!" Nagisa said to his accomplice as he placed the last bough of mistletoe over the threshold to Haru's living room.

"Couldn't you have come up with a shorter mission name?" Rei asked, pushing his glasses up.

"Well you didn't like Operation Kisumi," Nagisa responded giving Rei a childish pout.

"That's because of two reasons. One: it's embarrassing to say. And two: that's a name of someone Makoto-senpai knows."

"You have to admit it was pretty clever." The blonde gave a triumphant smirk at his pun.

Rei turned his head away with a slight blush on his face. "I will do no such thing." He turned back to look at Nagisa, pushing up his glasses once again. "And another thing. Did you have to put some over every doorway?"

"Yes, because then there's more of a chance it will succeed. Plus, I asked Haru-chan if I could and he said, 'Whatever,'" the penguin boy added doing his best Haru impression. The whole shebang, tone of voice and expression too.

Rei and Nagisa had come over to Haru's early to make preparations for the operation to occur at the party later. You and Makoto just recently started going out, but haven't kissed yet. Nagisa had been nosy and asked Makoto about his relationship with you one day in the changing room before practice.

"So Mako-chan, how is dating (F/n)-chan going?"

"It's going really well. It's nice getting to know her more one on one," and he smiled just thinking about it.

Nagisa took on a sly look before asking, "Have you two k-i-s-s-e-d yet?"

The brunette looked away blushing. "No, we haven't yet."

"You haven't yet?! What are you waiting for?"

"It's not our business Nagisa-kun," Rei interrupted.

"Party pooper," the childish blonde pouted.

That is what made Nagisa come up with the idea. He knew Christmas was coming, so what better way to get you two to officially kiss than mistletoe. Of course he had to rope Rei into joining him. It was to be his way of making up for interrupting Nagisa's questioning of Makoto.

Now all they had to do was wait for everyone to get there. "To make it interesting, anyone caught under the mistletoe should have to kiss," Nagisa said in his usual chipper tone.

"Absolutely not," Rei objected. "This was only to be for Makoto-senpai and (F/n)-chan. Besides, no boy here would want to kiss another. I sure wouldn't."

"Well you're just not open minded Rei-chan." Rei only gave the penguin boy a reprimanding look. "Fine. Only a boy and a girl should have to kiss under the mistletoe. But it's not fair. There's only two girls, Gou-chan and (F/n)-chan. Three if you count Gou-chan's friend. What was her name again?"

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