Christmas Tree (ReixReader)

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A/N: I have to admit that I've been slacking on writing these Christmas one-shots. I apologize for that. I didn't have any ideas for one with Nagisa and Rin up until like yesterday. I'm working on Nagisa's next.

Anyway, here's the one with Rei. There are some factual things about Christmas trees in it so bare with me. I tried to make them fit into the plot. Let me know if I did a good job or not with that. And this is my first time posting a chapter using the app. It is very different from posting on my computer, but in a good way.

Enjoy the cute chibi of Rei, and I hope you enjoy this one-shot!

It was Christmas Eve and you were going to spend it with Rei, your boyfriend of a few months. The two of you were going to see the lighting of the Iwatobi Christmas tree. You figured you could make a day out of it, so you were meeting with the bespectacled bluenette that morning.

He was taking the train to meet you in Iwatobi where you lived. It had gotten pretty cold so you were bundled up in a (color) sweater, jeans, your warmest coat, boots, gloves, and your favorite scarf. Even dressed so warmly, it was still chilly waiting for his train to arrive.

It was maybe five minutes when the train came rushing by, sending a cold chill through your already slightly cold legs. It had been a little bit of a walk from your house, so you had been exposed to the freezing air for a good 15 minutes. But just the sight of Rei as he got off the train once it came to a stop made you feel warm inside.

He was wearing a dark blue coat and his red checkered scarf that matched his glasses perfectly. He also had gloves on. You smiled and called to him, "Rei-kun!"

He broke into a smile as well and walked over. "Hi (F/n)-chan. You haven't been waiting long have you?" he asked seeing you shiver slightly.

"Not really, just a few minutes. I'll be fine once we start walking." You placed your gloved hand in his and the two of you walked toward town. The first thing on the agenda was window shopping.

A lot of the small shops had lights and little Christmas decorations in them, and items displayed of course. The first one you came across had a cute little Christmas tree with little ornaments the size of a bell. "This little tree is so cute!" you gushed pulling Rei with you up to the window.

"It is beautiful," he said looking too. "Around 80% of artificial trees around the world are made in China," he said next, and you glanced at him from the corner of your eye to see him push his glasses up.

"That's not surprising. Most things are," you responded.

Rei pushed his glasses up again. This time there was a glint in them. "I looked up several facts about evergreen and Christmas trees. I'm sure I have one that will surely surprise you." He saw it as a challenge that he was willing to accept. It would be beautiful to see the shocked look on your face should he succeed. He could just imagine your (color) eyes lighting up in surprise.

You let out a giggle and said, "Okay, let's see what you've got."

The two of you began looking at shop windows again. It was nice holding Rei's hand as you browsed the displays. "Oh! Look at this stuffed penguin wearing a Santa hat! I bet Nagisa would love it."

"Penguins remind me. Evergreen trees grow on every continent but Antarctica."

"Makes sense since it's so cold there," you replied. So that fact definitely didn't do the trick. He still had some surprising facts up his sleeve.

In the next window there was an artificial tree with origami swans as decorations. "I wonder how long it took to make those," you commented thoughtfully. They covered just about the whole tree.

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