I'm Sorry (VariousxReader)

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A/N: I am so sorry that it's been three weeks since I last updated. I got into a funk where I didn't have much motivation to write. But I was inspired once again. This one isn't the 4k reads special I had planned to write and post, that one will be for 5k. This one-shot is inspired by a song though like that one. And it happens to be a song from the same band.

I also wrote it the same way with lyrics from the song representing each boy. I tried to pick lyrics that either fit with their personalities/likes, or matched with the story. The lyrics are underlined and italicized. 

I decided to finish this one-shot because I felt it would take me less time to write than what I originally had planned for the 4k reads special. 

Anyway, I hope everyone will like it!  Enjoy!

You and your boyfriend had your first fight. And it was over something stupid. He had been so focused the last week on practice. He hardly paid attention to you, let alone made time to spend even an hour with you at the end of the day.

You felt unwanted. You accused him of loving swimming more than you.

"It's just that the tournament is coming up and we have to be in top shape for the relay," he tried to defend his reasons for ignoring you.

"I understand you guys need to focus, but you haven't even bothered to acknowledge that I'm here. No, 'Hey, how was your day?' or 'Do you want to watch us practice?' It makes me feel like swimming is more important to you than anything else!"

"(F/n), that's-" You turned on your heel and stormed away. You didn't want to hear another excuse.

It's been two days since then, and you returned the gesture by ignoring them when they tried to catch your eye or begin to talk to you. You still needed time to cool off. You only spoke to Gou, and only briefly at that. She would have tried to convince you to forgive him without an apology.

You would mute your phone at night so you wouldn't be bothered. The morning of the third day there was a voicemail. Caller ID alerted you to who left it.

It was from him.

You decided to listen to what he had to say.


You and I, we're like fireworks and symphonies exploding in the sky.

(F/n)-chan, I'm so sorry about our fight! I never meant to neglect you! Or make you feel lonely. Please accept my apology! I'll make it up to you with cake and ice cream, my treat! And you can order as much as you want! I promise I won't eat anything. I'll see you at school.

You smiled as you listened to Nagisa's apology. You couldn't stay mad at the penguin boy. Especially when he says he won't eat any of the sweets he's bought for you. You wondered if he'd be able to control himself.

As soon as you arrived at school, Nagisa was there to greet you. You pretended to still be made at him. To watch his reaction.

"Good morning (F/n)-chan!" You ignored him as you switched your tennis shoes for the school slippers. "(F/n)-chaaan! You're not still mad at me are you?" You stole a glance at him to see him pouting.

Your fake anger face turned into a smile. "I could never be mad at you for too long Nagisa." You turned and gave him a closed-eyes smile.

"Yay!" and the energetic shota embraced you in a tight hug around the waist.


Without you, I feel broke. Like I'm half of a whole.

(F/n), I am so sorry. I never meant to hurt you. It was never my intention to make you feel ignored. It broke my heart when you walked off after getting upset. These last two days have been rough. I haven't felt myself without you. Please accept my apology. I hope to see you at school.

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