Special (VariousxReader)

932 21 16

A/N: Sorry this took me longer to post than I intended. Also it took me forever to find this picture that inspired this one-shot. I found a couple of other ones I could use then I came across the one above I really wanted.

Well, here's the one-shot in honor of reaching 500 reads. Who knew in the time it took me to write this and post it I got over 200 more! Thank you to all my readers whether you are a first timer or a recurring one. Please keep reading my one-shots!

I hope you enjoy this one!

The day started out like any other. Haru and Makoto stopped by to get you for school. Little did you know, the day was going to be full of surprises.

You were just about done putting your lunch together when the doorbell rang. Your mother was the one to open the door. "(F/n), Makoto-kun and Haru-kun are here!" she called to you in the kitchen.

"Okay! I'll be there in a minute!" You put on the finishing touches and packed your lunch into your backpack. You swung it over your shoulder as you walked to the door to greet your best friends.

"Good morning," you said with a smile.

"Morning (F/n)-chan." Makoto returned the gesture. Haru only stared with his usual passive expression.

After you put your shoes on, the three of you began the short walk to school. On the way there, Haru wasn't staring longingly at the ocean like he usually does when you guys walk by. Instead he was looking at you. Whenever you'd catch him he'd look away. That was definitely out of character for the water loving boy.

You thought it was odd, but you just ignored it and tried paying more attention to getting to school. The other odd thing was that no one was talking. Usually Makoto would strike up conversation, but today he seemed pensive.

The three of you made it to school with nothing else weird, or awkward, happening, which was a relief to you. It wasn't until you got to the classroom that something else out of the ordinary happened.

Makoto stopped you from entering the classroom by gently grabbing your hand. The contact made your heart flutter. "You can go on ahead Haru. We'll be in, in a minute," he said not letting go of your hand.

Haru looked from Makoto to you for a moment, then he went in ahead without a word. Once it was certain Haru was out of earshot, Makoto turned to you. "(F/n)-chan..." His face grew red as he hesitated in speaking further. You tilted your head slightly in anticipation of what he was going to say next. "M-meet me on th-the roof after school. Th-there's something I w-want to tell you," he stammered profusely out of nervousness.

"Okay," you replied with a blush forming on your cheeks as well. The rest of homeroom you could only think about what the gentle giant wanted to tell you after school. It must have been something personal with the way he was acting.

What seemed like forever since classes started, the bell for lunch sounded. You took your lunch out of your backpack, and then with Makoto and Haru, the three of you went up to the roof to meet with the others. On the way there your phone vibrated. You took it from your school uniform pocket and saw a text from Rin.

It was weird for him to text you while school was still going. He usually texted after, and only about swim practice and such. You were co-manager of the team with Gou.

Curious, you opened your phone to see what he wanted. The text read: (F/n), meet me on your school's roof after school ;)

With the winking emoji you could just see Rin grinning, showing off his shark teeth. It was even weirder that he wanted to meet you on your school's roof. What could he want?

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