Unsteady (drunk!MakotoxReader)

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A/N: This one-shot is in honor of my first MakotoxReader getting 200 reads! And thank you to AoyamaRiku for requesting this! Is it bad that I really enjoyed writing it?

There is nothing obscene in this one-shot, so no worries if you don't like things like that. I in no way endorse drinking to the point that you can't function as a normal human being. If you're old enough to drink, please be responsible.

Anyway, this one is probably my longest single character one-shot. Almost 3000 words! Yay! I found the picture and thought it fits this one-shot perfectly. I laughed when I read it.

I hope everyone enjoys!

He knew he shouldn't have done it, but his college friends were pressuring him. He knew not to give in to such a thing, but here he was drinking shots of who knows what and a mixed drink.

You, Makoto's crush, were at the same party. He had noticed you laughing and talking to a guy he didn't recognize, and it made him jealous. So he figured, why not give in and drink with his buddies to try and forget what he had seen.

The first two shots gave him that lightheaded, buzzed feeling. By his fourth shot and half of his mixed drink he was almost flat out drunk. He had just about forgotten you were flirting with some random dude.

That is until one of his friends, who was also quite drunk said, "Hey, Maako? Isn't tha- (F/n)-san?" he asked pointing to you sitting at a table with the guy from before.

"Yeah?" he knew it for sure even in his drunken state, but he phrased it as a question like, 'What about her?'

"Yous have a crushonher riiiight?" His friend held out the i a little longer than necessary.

"I do," Makoto answered. He felt his cheeks warm, but it may have been from the alcohol.

"You should talktoher."

Makoto looked at him like he had three heads. "Tak-shi, I cannt. Shes with someone."

"So? You on-y get one chan- in life. Gofur it."

"Alllright, I will." So Makoto walked over to where you were with a belly full of liquid courage.

He tried his best to stand up straight as he walked. Once he was close enough he called out, "(F/n)!" and gave you a big wave to indicate for you to notice him.

You turned to look at who called you. One clue that something was off about the tall brunette to you was that he dropped the honorific. He'd always refer to you as '(F/n)-san.'

"Hi Tachibana-kun," you replied back.

"I dint know you were atthis party!" came his rather loud reply.

That was the second give away that something was odd, aside from the slurring of words. Makoto usually talked in a much softer tone of voice. You could understand talking loudly because it was a little loud there, but he was practically yelling.

You stood up to talk to him better as you asked, "Tachibana-kun, are you drunk?"

"Drunk not I'm," he answered. That was a dead give away. You grabbed his hand and led him to a place that was quieter, but not before rolling your eyes at his previous response.

"That's exactly what drunk people say," you said after stopping near the exit. The music wasn't as loud there. I think we should get you home," you added seeing the state he was in. You could smell the alcohol on his breath just by him breathing.

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