Bugs! (MomotarouxReader)

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A/N: Here is your request random_lover_anime ! I hope you like it.

So I thought it would be somewhat difficult to get Momo's personality down with the situation in this one, but it turned out to be Nitori's. Hopefully I got his irritation he has sometimes concerning Momo right.

Well, enjoy!

This was your third time visiting Samezuka and it still surprised you how big the campus is. You were on your way to visit Nitori, your cousin. The two of you were going to catch up and go out to lunch.

You made your way to the dorm Nitori was staying in. You had texted him to make sure you got the right room number. You knocked on the door, and expected to see Nitori. But instead it was a boy with really orange hair and gold eyes.

"Um, hello. I'm here to see Nitori."

"Nitori-senpai? He's doing extra swim practice. Are you his girlfriend? I didn't think he had one. What with that book he keeps under his bed." He mumbled the last part under his breath.

"I'm actually his cousin, (F/n)."

His face lit up after hearing you say you weren't his senpai's girlfriend, but his cousin. In that case...He began his usual monologue when meeting a cute girl. He got up in your face and began gabbing. "I'm Momotarou Mikoshiba. I'm a Sagittarius, my hobby is hunting for stag beetles, my favorite food is fried eggs."

While he was talking, out of the corner of your eye you saw IT. There, sitting on one of the desks in a jar, was a...BUG!

You have been afraid of bugs ever since you were little. You had been picked on by a couple boys in your grade school and they would torture you with bugs. Chasing you around with them and sometimes putting them in your hair. Bugs were just generally too creepy crawly in your opinion.

Upon seeing it, you backed away. Your instincts told you to get out of the room as fast as you could, but your were paralyzed. It was no ordinary bug, it was huge!

Momo didn't notice you back away and he continued talking. "My favorite quote is 'Even Homer sometimes nods.' And my favorite spa-" he cut off noticing you staring at his desk. He was totally oblivious that it was out of fear.

His eyes lit up again because he guessed you were staring at his most prized stag beetle. "That's my stag beetle Pyunsuke! You can hold him if you want." He picked up the bug habitat and proceeded to hand it to you.

Your eyes grew wide into saucers. "K-keep that thing away from me!" you screamed and backed up further into the hallway. You bumped into someone who grabbed your shoulders. When you looked to see who, you saw Nitori. "N-Nitori!" You turned around and buried your face into his team jacket.

"What's all the commotion about?" he asked, directing his attention to Momo. Then he saw what was making you tremble. Momo was holding the container with Pyunsuke. He let out a sigh while closing his eyes. "Put that bug away Momo," your cousin said glaring slightly at his roommate.

"Uh, sure Nitori-senpai." Momo stuck his treasured stag beetle in his open backpack.

"Let's go inside." Nitori squeezed your arms as reassurance it was okay. So the three of you went into the dorm room. You sat next to Nitori on the bottom bunk and he explained to Momo about your fear.

"(F/n)'s afraid of bugs. And has been most of her life. It doesn't matter if they're out in nature or in a container. Some boys when she was in grade school used to chase her around with live bugs, and sometimes would put them in her hair. You showing her Pyunsuke made her freak out."

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