My Saviour

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"Hello, everyone! I'm Nam Woohyun! It's a pleasure to meet you and be your classmate!"

Sunggyu couldn't help but look away from Woohyun. He admitted the fact that he was mesmerized by how good-looking Woohyun was, but he couldn't bear looking at this Adonis for too long. Just focus on not looking, he thought. Because of this, he didn't hear nor notice what happened after Woohyun's introduction. He looked front once again to see if the other was done and was already seated, but to his surprise, the beautiful creature was in front of him, smiling. Because of this, he felt blood pumping up towards his head, his face becoming red uncontrollably. He also felt his heart beating abnormally with the Woohyun's closeness. Just too close...


"Hello there! Are you Kim Sunggyu?" he asked. Sunggyu couldn't respond. He didn't know what to do. He felt his heart beating abnormally fast, but his brain didn't seem to function properly. Unsure of what to do, he suddenly stood up, surprising the other, and bowed down. He put out his hand to the other and opened it.

"Y-yes, I'm Kim S-s-sunggyu! It's a..a p-pleasure to meet y-you!"

The whole class burst into laughter at Sunggyu's remarks. Apparently, it was very much evident in his voice that he was nervous. Very nervous. Hearing his classmates laughing at him, he wanted to run away. But his inner self told him that it would make things worse. He thought that the best solution would be to wait for Woohyun's response and react after.

Woohyun spoke, to an extent which made everyone surprised.

"I know what Sunggyu-ssi did was quite funny, yes. We all had a good laugh, and that's all thanks to him. However, we should also consider his feelings. Maybe he was really feeling nervous because he didn't know how to react. I was at fault here, because I noticed that he wasn't looking, and here I was, wanting to make sure that I was speaking to the right person, who was assigned to be my seatmate. Let's not make fun of Sunggyu. We're all humans, naturally imperfect, bound to make mistakes. And for Sunggyu," he set his eyes to Sunggyu, who was still bowing down, hand still offered to Woohyun. He took Sunggyu's hand, which caused the other to suddenly flinch, and smiled, "It's a pleasure to meet you too, Kim Sunggyu! I hope we can be good friends!"

At the end of Woohyun's speech, silence engulfed the classroom. It was until a few moments that someone clapped his hand, followed by another, and another, until the whole class stood up and clapped at Woohyun. The teacher smiled, very much happy with the way Woohyun was able to move his classmates' hearts on his formal first day of class.

"Very well said, Woohyun. As what we would expect from you," the teacher said.

"Kamsahamnida, Seongsaeng-nim." Woohyun replied, flashing his smile, which caused a few of the girls to whine once more. The teacher silenced them, asked everybody to sit down, and he began with the lesson.

Sunggyu, on the other hand, sat down, his head still bowed down. He couldn't believe what just happened. He thought that his social life was done for because of his nervousness, but he was thankful that Woohyun saved the day. My saviour...

Sunggyu's focus was no longer with the teacher, as usual. He kept thinking of Woohyun the whole day.

I think I'm crazy, why am I like this...

The bell sounded, signalling the end of class. Miraculously, Sunggyu survived a whole day with his thoughts drifting off to another world. His advanced reading paid off because he was able to answer a few questions even if his mind was drifting somewhere else. Wanting to avoid Woohyun so as to avoid an overdose, Sunggyu quickly put all his things in his bag in an unorganized manner, after which, he slings his bag in his back and scurries his way out of their classroom.

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