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Hello! I'm back! I'm sorry if I've been gone for too long. I really am. T_T

Anyways, thank you for all those readers that I have and continued to stay with me here. I am very happy with what has happened and with the landslide of events that took place within this fanfic. I thank all of those who supported me, even though I was gone for too long.

But, whether good or bad, stories come to an end. And I'd like to formally announce that mine is about to come to one. So, sit back, and enjoy the last few chapters that I have for this story.

Again, thank you very much. Enjoy~! :)


Going to school was the last thing on Sunggyu's head right now. He wanted to do his best and avoid Myungsoo, but he didn't want to be absent from school again. Sunggyu wanted to finish things once and for all between him and Myungsoo, but he didn't know how to. He sighed, as he walked down from his room towards the door, not having the appetite to eat even breakfast.

"Eomma, I'll be leaving." Sunggyu spoke in a loud tone, after having found that her mom was in the kitchen. He knew it was too early for him to leave and it would be more dangerous that he go to school early, as Myungsoo might appear out of nowhere. He just figured that he'll walk to school so that he can make it there on time.

However, as Sunggyu was about to go out, he heard a response, with a voice different with that of his mother's.

"Shouldn't you be eating breakfast first?"


Sunggyu immediately closed the door and walked back to the kitchen. True to his suspicion, Woohyun was in the kitchen. To surprise him even more, the other was only wearing pants and an apron, no top.

"Woohyun, what are you doing?" Sunggyu couldn't erase his eyes of Woohyun's toned back, his broad shoulders showing off, as if saying 'hi' to every person that sees it. Sunggyu flustered at the sight, blood rushing to his head, his face showing off a bright red.

Woohyun, without turning, spoke.

"I'm preparing food for the love of my life. Isn't it normal for me to prepare something yummy for my babe?" Woohyun teased, emphasizing on the word 'yummy'. Sunggyu, upon hearing this, became redder than a tomato. He just stared at Woohyun, and when the other faced him, he looked away. Instead, he looked at the food prepared on the table. The visuals of the food were indeed magnificent, as if a master chef had prepared them.

They look delicious...

Without noticing, Woohyun was already behind Sunggyu, enclosing the other with a hug from the back. Sunggyu flinched, however, Woohyun was able to prevent his head hitting that of Sunggyu's. He pressed a soft kiss on Sunggyu's nape before he spoke.

"Doesn't it look delicious?"

Sunggyu gulped, feeling Woohyun's toned body from his back, his toned chest and abs creating its own personal space on Sunggyu's back.

"You're yummier..." Sunggyu spoke.

Woohyun spun the other and smiled at him, eyes looking directly at him. He held Sunggyu's back and leaned in to plant a peck on the other's lips before he spoke, still smiling at the blushing Sunggyu.

"I know I'm yummier, but I believe you should be eating real food right now. So, please go ahead and help yourself with the food, while I get myself dressed." Woohyun smiled as he spun the other again, this time to help him towards the table. He pulled a chair for Sunggyu. He waited for Sunggyu to sit down before he left.

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