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3rd to the last.

Enjoy! :)


Sunggyu woke up, feeling his head hurt. Aside from that, his body felt fine but worn out. He looked to his left and right and immediately recognized where he was.

I'm in an alley near my place...

Sunggyu didn't notice, but there was someone in front of him that made him realize that his conclusions were true as to who was the person behind this. He wanted to punch the person in front of him right now, but he didn't have the strength to do so. Instead, he spoke,

"Myungsoo, what is it exactly that you want?"

The person in front of him wore a sly smile, for which sent shivers to Sunggyu's spine. It was the first time that he saw Myungsoo smile with an aura of terror. He felt weak. He wanted to break free, but he knew he couldn't, and he wouldn't want to risk doing anything right now but wait for a miracle. Wait for his saviour. Wait for Woohyun.


Myungsoo leaned closer to Sunggyu, his breath just a few inches from Sunggyu's lips. Sunggyu feared that the other might lean in and kiss him, but he didn't. Instead, he spoke,

"I want you, Sunggyu. Besides, I'm just claiming what's mine..."

This time, Sunggyu saw that Myungsoo was actually on his hands and knees as he leaned his head towards Sunggyu's, their lips closing the gap. Sunggyu immediately wanted to move his head, but Myungsoo placed his hand on Sunggyu's cheeks, blocking any possibility of Sunggyu turning his head. As their lips were about to come to contact, Sunggyu's mind was only filled with one thought,

Woohyun... save me...


It took Woohyun a few minutes before he arrived home and was able to find his phone. He immediately checked the notifications.

There's a lot...

Woohyun still feels guilty about what he's planning to do with his and Sunggyu's relationship. As much as he wants to do his best and protect their relationship, but there were things that had to happen. Things that pained Woohyun. Things that cut his heart out of his own body. Things that purged his own soul out of his body.

He scrolled further through his notifications until he saw something that caught his eye, something that he wished he could've seen earlier.

One New Message: Gyuuu <3

Woohyun immediately tapped the said notification and typed his passcode. He read the message thoroughly, making sure he didn't read wrongly. He attempted to call the other to make sure that he had arrived home safely, but the blood left his face upon hearing the operator get through instead.

The number you are calling is currently unavailable...

Woohyun sped off towards Sunggyu's house. He wanted to really make sure that the other was home, but he didn't know how he would while he was still on the way. He remembered that he had Sunggyu's Mom's number, for which he scrolled through his contacts, tapping the screen as he found the right one.

Calling: Mom – Gyuuu <3

As the phone rang, Woohyun kept running, but to his dismay, it was the operator who spoke. Again...

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