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So, yeah, here's a double update for everyone! <3 Thank you for staying with me in this story, though it sometimes becomes a little boring and stupid the longer it becomes.

But still, thank you for staying with me. Thanks for reading! Enjoy~~ :3


"So the two of you are a thing now?" Dongwoo asked Sunggyu over the phone, the joy evident in his voice. It's been a week since their first date, and Sunggyu has never felt happy enough to be with the other, though he had to stay home for one week because he accidentally used his injured foot to walk down the stairs in excitement of Woohyun visiting him the day after their date.

"Well, yeah. And I'm practically the happiest man on the planet right now." Sunggyu responded, happiness obvious in his tone as he spoke through his iPhone's receiver. He was on headset mode, and he was going through Woohyun's SNS, finding a lot of posts related to him. He couldn't help but smile with this fact, that Woohyun was proud to have him.

"So have you kissed?" Dongwoo asked, which caught Sunggyu off guard. He coughed, as he wasn't really expecting the question to suddenly pop out of Dongwoo's mouth. He hesitated before he responded, making Dongwoo grunt on the other end of the line.


"Why not? I mean, you've already had your first date, right? Why not kiss yet?" Dongwoo asked in series, which made Sunggyu think. Why haven't we kissed yet?


1 new message.

Sunggyu wondered where the message came from. He saw a familiar name, which gave him the chills.


Back then, he was happy whenever he was being messaged by this person, his online crush. He was always happy to talk to him, to listen to his songs, to be given attention by him. However, with his previous interaction with this person, he was now somewhat freaking out whenever this person messaged him. Nevertheless, he slid the screen, showing the message he received.

hearthyung: Hello, my dear Gyu! When are you coming back from school? I really miss you. I hope I see you soon. I promise that when you get well, I will introduce myself formally to you.

Sunggyu thought clearly if there was someone stalking him for the past days. He couldn't remember. In fact, he was just known to be the best student in school. Well, that was before Woohyun transferred. Nobody cared to see who was on top, especially if you're not good-looking. Woohyun would be an exception because he was... hot. And yeah, Sunggyu confirmed through their random hugging and cuddling that the other had abs. Chocolate abs...

"Hey, Sunggyu~. Are you still there?" Dongwoo asked. Sunggyu snapped out of his trance and spoke muttered a 'yes' to let the other know he was still alive, but Dongwoo sighed.

"I see you're somewhat bothered by my question. Sorry about that, Sunggyu. But please, kiss already!" Dongwoo spoke, teasing the other.

"Ya, Jang Dongwoo!"

But the line went dead, signalling the call being dropped.


"Gyuu~ wake up~."

Sunggyu rolled around on bed, not wanting to wake up. Time flies. A week has already passed, and he was already feeling better now, this time, capable of walking without crutches.

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