Like You

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"Oh my gosh, Sunggyu! What happened to you?! You look like a zombie!" Sungyeol screams at the top of his lungs while he sees Sunggyu coming out of his house. It is very much evident on the boy's face that he was unable to get enough sleep. After all that I have thought of over the night...

Sunggyu admits, after the turn of events the previous night, he was unable to sleep well. The message was still resonating in his head, and he was really unable to believe the fact of what he read. He saved Woohyun's number for convenience, just in case he would receive another message. He re-read the message last night to make sure that he was reading correctly, only to find himself disappointed the next morning. He received another message, but it wasn't actually new. It was just the updated version of the message he read:

From: Woohyunie <3

Hello, Sunggyu! I hope you received the message I sent a while ago. This is Woohyun. I'm still waiting for a reply from you, so please do text me. I like you to be my friend. Please do give me a chance in entering your circle. I heard that you're very smart and I would like to be close with you. I'll be waiting for your response.

He even texted me with incorrect grammar. And he calls himself smart. Pffft.

But the question still remains on his head – Where the heck did Woohyun get his number? Sunggyu kept on thinking about it, but he could never find a plausible answer. Only a few people in school had his number. And he couldn't think of the traitor who would give his number. He kept thinking about this that he didn't realize that they were already in school, and Sungyeol was ranting because the other didn't answer all his questions.

"I'll ask you again later, Sunggyu! I won't let that zombie face of yours slip for today, I'm curious as to what kept you up! See you later~!" Sungyeol remarked, while running off to his classroom. Sunggyu thought that may be Sungyeol was the traitor, but he realized that the other didn't have his number because he kept spamming messages.

Sunggyu enters his room, and to his surprise, Woohyun was standing right behind it. He was smiling brightly, as if he was waiting for Sunggyu to come. He was, in fact, waiting for Sunggyu. He looks at the other with sparkles in his eyes, and Sunggyu could feel his heart racing again.


"Good Morning, Sung – gosh, why do you look like you haven't slept?" It's all because of you, Woohyun.

Sunggyu simply raises his hand, signaling that he is not in the mood to speak. Yes, he was able to resist Woohyun. He went to his chair, sat down, put his head on his desk, and slept. He heard Woohyun take the chair beside him, but he did not hear the other ask for anything. At least for today, Sunggyu was confident that he can sleep, since he read their lessons in advance. He could feel his eyes slowly closing.

Sunggyu woke up, feeling his body being shaken. He saw Woohyun waking him up, and he gave the other a deathly glare. Woohyun was pointing at the teacher, who screamed at Sunggyu the moment he looked at her.

"KIM SUNGGYU! WHY ARE YOU SLEEPING?!" the teacher asked, screaming at him. Sunggyu could feel his eardrums pop at the sound his teacher made. He stood up, unsure of why his free will was betraying him. The answer that came out of his mouth shocked himself, and everyone around him, especially the one beside him.

"Nam Woohyun kept me up the whole night."

Sunggyu could feel the curious stares he was getting from his classmates. He was asking his subconscious why of all days he would be betrayed today. He didn't know how to break the silence. He was about to speak when Woohyun stood up and spoke.

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