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Yoongi dropped a bomb, and I'm dropping mine as well. It's a bit of an angst but I think I just typed random stuff, as in bla bla bla bla bla bla lol.

Anyways, this part of the story will be important, even though it's short. I hope you all enjoy it! <3


It has only been a week since Sunggyu has been released from the hospital, but he feels as if it's taking forever for him to be feeling well. He has done almost half of what he needed to study for the month that he was out of school, and he was already getting bored of just studying. He has attempted to go online, but it seemed that even the online world was busy to notice him. Sadly...

Sunggyu sat up from his bed and rested his back on the headboard. He took his iPhone from the bedside table and opened the music streaming app, attempting to message his long-missed friend. He couldn't bother sending Woohyun a message, as the other was in class.

He immediately tapped the 'Search' button and typed the keywords that he was hoping to see.


Sunggyu was hoping for an immediate result, but to his shock, the search bar brought the following message.

No results found.

But why? Sunggyu asked himself. Did he deactivate his account?

Sunggyu was hoping for an answer when his iPhone suddenly vibrated twice in his hands, displaying two notifications.

One new follower.

One new message.

Sunggyu didn't really bother with the number of followers that he had, or who even followed him, but he made an exception on this one.

hearthyung followed you. 2m

Could it be him?

Sunggyu immediately tapped the message button, only to bring him to the new message notification that he had received. He read the message he got from this person.

hearthyung: Hello, my dear Gyu! This is heartyhyun. I had to deactivate the old one for security reasons, but here I am once again! And, yeah, I'm sorry for not even telling you that I had to go in hiatus. By the way, I heard that you were actually confined in the hospital? I do hope you get well soon, because I've been dying to see you.

Sunggyu doubted the message, but he wanted to make sure. A voice in his mind told him to message this boy, so as to make sure and confirm his identity. But someone in his heart told him to ignore this person, because one way or another, it just didn't feel right. Sunggyu wasn't really sure of his choice, but he decided to stick to his belief.

Mind over matter, Sunggyu.

Sunggyu began typing on his iPhone, verifying the identity of this person. One part of his mind told him that it was really heartyhyun, but another part told him that it was a different person pretending to be him.

gyuzizi89: If it is really you, then could you please send me a voice message of my favourite song?


Sunggyu waited for a response. If it was really heartyhyun, he would immediately recognize Sunggyu's favourite cover, as he once made a cover for him. Plus, he would recognize the voice quality. If it was really him, he'd know how to sing it the way Sunggyu wanted, making his heart skip a beat. If it was really him, he would know the melody to Sunggyu's heart. If it was really him, he would-


1 new message. Just now

Sunggyu immediately opened the message and saw that it was a voice message. His phone vibrated once more to show text after the voice message.

hearthyung: Tap to play Voice message.

hearthyung: exactly like my Gyu. Always in doubt. Here's your favourite song, beautiful~


Sunggyu felt his heart skip a beat. As he tapped the voice message, music began to play from his iPhone, filling the atmosphere.

Beautiful you're beautiful

More than starlight upon a night sky or this rose

Beautiful I keep thinking of your bright smile

You're beautiful

At that moment, Sunggyu recognized the lyrics. He recognized the melody. He recognized the beat. He recognized the way the other sang. He recognized the sweetness in his voice. He recognized the familiar chill that the song sent to his spine, taking in the music.

It is him.

Sunggyu began typing rapidly on his iPhone, then deleted it once more. He wasn't sure on what he wanted to tell the person. I have a lot to tell him, and a lot to ask him as well. But his feelings confused his thoughts, clouding his judgment on where to begin. He just had a lot of things to say.

gyuzizi89: I missed you.


A few moments later, his phone vibrated. He immediately unlocked it, revealing the message he received from the other. As he read the message, he felt his chest throbbing, his face showing a nervous expression.

hearthyung: I miss you too. I no longer see you in school. I know it's gonna be a bit of a shock to know who I actually am, and yes we're schoolmates. I am already looking forward to meeting you once you fully recover. Don't worry, Sunggyu. I have my eyes on you. You're only mine.

Sunggyu could feel the hair rise from his skin, his spine tingling. Only one question was left in his head.

Who the heck is hearthyung?

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