Kisses and Promises

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And yeah, I'm back again~~! :3 Sorry if this is kinda gonna be short though...

Since we've had a lot of angsty stuff in the past chapters, here's something to make up for it. :) I do not, however, promise that there won't be any angsty stuff in the future :(

So sit back, relax and enjoy~! :D Thank you for your undying love and support.



Sunggyu woke up. He was laying on top of his bed, eyes still feeling itchy. He remembered crying in Woohyun's arms, but he couldn't remember what happened after that. He also remembers Myungsoo's words, his glares, his threats, his words, and his conviction.

I always claim what's mine...

Sunggyu began sobbing again. He felt scared. He felt weak. He felt useless in front of the other. He felt worthless, unable to defend even himself. He felt hypnotized. And he sobbed, continuously.

"Please stop crying, babe. It breaks my heart to see you like that."

Sunggyu stopped, realizing he wasn't alone, as the person behind him faced his back and hugged him from behind, his hair touching Woohyun's face. Sunggyu felt the other's breath on his scalp, sending shivers down his very being. Woohyun tightened his grip on the other, hugging him closer, completely closing the distance between them.

"It's okay, Sunggyu. Regardless of what you have done, I still love you." Woohyun spoke. He broke himself free from the hug and sat on the bed, eyes still focused on Sunggyu. He placed his hand on top of Sunggyu's head, caressing it softly. Sunggyu felt Woohyun's warmth at those words that he spoke. He started crying again, feeling guilty. Sunggyu was deep in thought as Woohyun leaned in towards the other, his lips barely touching Sunggyu's ear. Sunggyu's eyes remained closed at the other's actions...

"Don't worry, Sunggyu..."

Why are you doing this to me?

"...regardless of what happened..."

I know I was wrong...

"...nothing changes the way I look at you..."

I was evil...

"...nothing changes the way I admire you..."

I'm not admirable...

"...nothing changes the way I love you..."

I don't deserve your love...

"...even if you think you don't deserve me."


Sunggyu was having conflicts within himself. He realized that he loved this boy so much. He realized that he wanted to choose him over Myungsoo. He realized that his heart had belonged to this boy, this boy whose words made Sunggyu's heart skip a beat, this boy whose presence made Sunggyu felt weak but protected, this boy whose very being made Sunggyu believe that he was valued, that he was loved, that he was needed. This boy...

Sunggyu was lost in thoughts, as he felt soft plump lips come in contact with his.

I love you, Woohyun.

As Woohyun broke off from their kiss, he saw Sunggyu immediately falling asleep, tired from all the tears that he shed. Woohyun sighed, but smiled to himself as he caressed the other's cheeks. He went back to the part of the bed behind Sunggyu, laying beside the other. Woohyun placed his arms over Sunggyu, hugging the other. He closed his eyes as he slept beside the other, the fragrance of Sunggyu's hair just on the tip of Woohyun's nose.

I love you too, Sunggyu.


Sunggyu woke up the second time around, this time he was the first to wake up, Woohyun still sleeping beside him. He sat up, faced Woohyun and adored all of the other's features. Sunggyu smiled as he adored Woohyun, appreciating every detail of his face. I'm so lucky to have you, Woohyun.

Sunggyu leaned closer and appreciated Woohyun's loose shirt, exposing his collar bone. Damn, so sexy...

However, Sunggyu distanced himself, remembering that he still had done wrong. Now's not the time to be green, Sunggyu thought. He focused his eyes on Woohyun's face as he spoke.

"Woohyun, I'm sorry. I know you won't be able to hear these words right now, since you're asleep. But I hope it reaches your heart, as this will come from mine." Sunggyu's voice twitched, heart about to break. He had to keep this up, because he won't have the courage to apologize to Woohyun while he's awake. I have to do this...

Sunggyu leaned in, his soft lips touching Woohyun's collar bone. He placed a kiss on the said part before he spoke, "I'm sorry for breaking your trust, for having an affair with someone else..."

Sunggyu's face climbed up to Woohyun's neck, his lips touching the left side of Woohyun's neck, planting a kiss on that part as well. "I'm sorry for keeping Myungsoo a secret from you, I know it was wrong..."

Sunggyu continued going up and planted a chaste kiss on Woohyun's jawline, "I'm sorry for hiding everything behind your back, not even giving you a hint or an idea of what happened..."

Sunggyu planted another kiss on Woohyun's cheek, "I'm sorry for making myself unworthy of your love. I honestly don't deserve it..."

Sunggyu went further up and kissed Woohyun's eyelid, smiling as he continued, "These eyes... if ever I made them cry, I'm sorry for doing so. I promise I won't do it again..."

Sunggyu lowered his head, kissing the tip of Woohyun's nose. "I promise I won't love anyone else..."

"And I promise that I won't love anyone else but you..."

Sunggyu leaned closer, his lips just an inch away from Woohyun's. He could feel the beat of Woohyun's breathing from the distance as he spoke,

"And I lay everything on this promise, because I love you so much, Woohyun."

Sunggyu closed the distance between their lips and gave a soft, sweet kiss on the other, eyes closing.

I love you so much, Woohyun. So much...

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