Special Chapter: Dear Santa

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Hello everyone! I hoped you haven't given up hopes on this fic, even though it's already marked finished! :D

So if you have liked my page, you should be aware that this story is set to have a Christmas special. So, here it is! But don't expect too much, because I swear, I think it's not good enough because my writing style has totally shifted to being angst-y and stuff, but I really hope you enjoy it. This is my gift for everyone who has supported Heart Attack and had made the year a very wonderful one for me. This year was honestly a blast for this fic, because it was my first, and I didn't regret for once finishing this fic.

And it's all thanks to all of you reading this, so thank you so much! I really hope you enjoy this special chapter :D

Happy Holidays! :D


Sunggyu took out his phone as he rushed to text Woohyun. He was on his way to his apartment from his mom's house. It was Christmas Eve, and he had paid her a visit, since he knew that he wouldn't be able to stay with her for the holidays. Sunggyu explained to her that Woohyun was back, and she understood and was happy for his son. She couldn't believe it at first, but all in all, understood Sunggyu's excitement.

'I'm on my way home. Wait for me before you sleep. I love you'

Message sent.

In all honesty, Sunggyu still could not believe that Woohyun was already back. Even though it was already a month ever since the other had arrived and stayed with him, he still couldn't believe he had the love of his life back. He couldn't believe the fact that he was able to hug Woohyun again, feeling his warmth. He couldn't believe that he could feel the other's warmth close to his skin. He couldn't believe that he could kiss Woohyun again, feeling his soft lips on his own. He couldn't believe he could feel the other's love once again, physically.

It was simply unbelievable...

As Sunggyu looked through the window on his side of the bus, he saw something falling from the sky. He looked up, and was awed with the sight. It was snowing. Sunggyu wanted to experience the first fall of snow with Woohyun, but apparently, that was impossible, since they were far from each other right now. Well, he knew that they were to be together soon enough, but what he really wanted was to see the first snow fall while holding Woohyun's hands. Then, he would face the other and close the distance between them, hugging him tight, feeling his warm embrace as well. He would break off the hug temporarily, looking the other in the eye. He would exchange 'I love you's' with the other, before kissing him in the lips...

"Sir," someone asks, which startles Sunggyu, ending his daydream. It was the bus conductor. Sunggyu composed himself as he looked at the conductor while smiling, before the other spoke, "I'd like to ask where you're going down? We're already at the last bus stop."

Sunggyu looked out to the window, realizing that he was far away from where he should go down. He apologized to the conductor as he alighted the bus, starting to run and go for his way towards home. He couldn't ride a taxi because he had left his money at home and only brought the exact fare. He also took out his phone and began texting Woohyun, fearing that he might not make it for Christmas at home.

'Babe, I'm sorry. I'm already running on the way home. Wait for me. I love you.'

As soon as Sunggyu sent the message, he put his phone inside his pocket and began running. He would occasionally stop because he felt tired, but that would be for a moment because he was sure if he stopped for long, he wouldn't make it. He felt his feet hurt, but he knew he couldn't stop. He just had to make it back home and see Woohyun.

I don't want him to be gone again...

It was 11:30 PM, but Sunggyu was already close to home. He felt all the weight on his back, his shaky legs because of running, his weary body, but he couldn't stop. He was very close.

Almost there...

When Sunggyu had reached the door to his apartment, he felt all his energy come back, but in an instant, it also left his body, for as he opened the door, it was dark.


However, there was no response. He felt the wall beside the door and tapped until he reached for the light switch, and turned it on. There was no one home. Sunggyu took out his phone to check if Woohyun had told him that he left, but there was nothing in his phone. Where was he...?


But there was still no response. Sunggyu began walking towards his room, fear creeping up his heart. He started to think if the whole month that he had spent with Woohyun was simply a dream, a hallucination, a fantasy that he wanted to come true?

Truly not...

But it was also possible, for Sunggyu. He didn't really want to believe the fact that it was all a dream, but it was also possible. He missed Woohyun that much that he would want to fantasize about the two of them spending time together, enjoying the time of their lives, living under one roof. Sunggyu wanted all of that to happen, but he also knew that at some point, it would be impossible.

Sunggyu could feel the tears forming in his eyes as he opened the door to his room. Similar to the living room of his apartment, it was also dark. He looked for the switch and turned on the lights. Sunggyu had feared the worst. No one was there.

Sunggyu couldn't take it anymore. He went out of his room and began crying as he sat on his sofa. He couldn't take the fact that it was all a dream, that he had been hallucinating. He couldn't take the fact that his whole month of being with Woohyun was all a lie, a defence he had put up.

But Sunggyu also asked himself – how about the kisses that he had shared with Woohyun? How about the times that Sungyeol had seen the two of them dating and get jealous of them?

He was real...

And, true enough, Sunggyu felt hands covering his eyes, warm hands that he was very familiar with. He felt someone's breath behind his head, sending shivers down his spine. He had felt his whole body shiver upon hearing Woohyun's voice.

"What took you so long, babe?"

Sunggyu had continued crying in Woohyun's hands, causing the other to remove his hands on Sunggyu's eyes and going in front of the other, giving him a confused and worried look. Woohyun held Sunggyu's hands, and kissed them, before speaking.

"What's wrong, babe? Did something happen on your way here?"

Sunggyu simply took one of his hands off to wipe his tears before smiling at Woohyun and, shortly after, closing the distance between their faces, kissing him. It was soft and passionate, full of love, and most importantly, it was real. Sunggyu was happy that his anxiety was all a lie, and that everything happening around him right now was reality.

Sunggyu broke off the kiss when he felt that he lacked oxygen. He laughed as he looked Woohyun directly in the eye. Woohyun smiled back, blushing as he was also attempting not to break eye contact with Sunggyu.

"You know what... this year has been full of heartbreaks for me. But I'm very happy right now,"

"Why are you happy?" Woohyun asks, smiling as he was doing so, as if not knowing the answer to his own question.

"It's because even though I know I've been a bad boy," Sunggyu spoke, pulling Woohyun closer to him, feeling his breath on Sunggyu's own neck, the heat climbing up towards his cheeks, speaking in a whisper towards Woohyun's ear, "he still heard my prayers and gave me the best gift of the year."

And at that moment, Sunggyu could feel that his Christmas this year would be the best, for it was the time that he had spent it with the one he loved. They both looked at the watch and saw that it was now 12:01 AM, marking the time for December 25, Christmas day.

"Merry Christmas, Sunggyu. I love you," Woohyun spoke.

"Merry Christmas, Woohyun. I love you too." Sunggyu responded, before closing the distance between their lips once more, kissing and enjoying their first Christmas together.


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