Thank You!

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Hello there! Marvin here! :) How are you all doing? I hope you're feeling good or doing great. :D

I would like to impart a few things to everyone as a simply way of saying 'Thank You'. ;)

First, this is my first (completed, I wrote a lot before but it's unfinished) fanfic, and I never would have thought that it would reach this kind of success, so thank you so much everyone~! I never would have thought that I would get different reactions, both here and in AFF (yeah, this story is also posted there :D), so thank you!

Second, I wasn't expecting this story to receive 500 subscribers (in AFF) even though it's way past finished. Honestly, there was a struggle that came to me, and I was honestly depressed when I lost a few subscribers because I thought my story wasn't good enough, or maybe I wasn't doing updates regularly. I know it's my fault, but you still remained with me, so I thank you for staying with me through thick and thin times, and through everything! :)

Lastly, I would like to announce that this fic will be having a sequel! I have been planning for the sequel for a long time already, it's just that I can't formulate a good plot and I have a lot of things to do as well (work, other fics, studies), but I'll find time to finish my other fics and proceed with making the sequel for this one! You'll know the sequel is ready as soon as I post a teaser on my page timeline (Link:; please like my page as well thankyouuu!). ;)

For now, I'll be open for plot suggestions, so if you want to give me any ideas that you think can contribute, just hit me a message and I'll respond as soon as I see it when I'm online.

Again, thank you so much guys! My success for this story would not be possible without your help, so thank you so, so much! I'm hoping this would reach 1,000 (or more even) subscribers, so that I could feel energized and think that 'hey, someone's waiting for your sequel, do it already!' hehehehe. Thank you so much for your insights, everyone! I'll look forward to your suggestions, and I'll be free and open to accept them ;)

Thank you! :D

- with Love,


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